2d fluff

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Hey Y/N, why won't ya join us? The water feels amazin'!" The day was hot and the sun was shining brightly, perfect weather for a pool party. Murdoc had the smart idea early on in the day and everyone thought it was amazing. Muds immediately phoned as many people as he could and dozens of people showed up to party. Almost everyone was in the pool with a beer in their hands or they were listening to the live band that Murdoc somehow booked in a snap. "2D I don't really feel like swimming..." You knew the real reason why you didn't want to swim. It was dumb and you knew that you had no power over the two scars that were on your lower stomach. That night was a horrible night and you would just like to forget it. "C'mon! For me?" 2D rested his tilted head on the side of the pool and gave you a pleading look. "No, I just don't want to. I think i'll just relax here with mu music." You laid all the way down on the comfortable beach chair until you were almost completely horizontal. Then you put your ear buds in and took peaceful and unintentional nap.
When you woke up you were in your own room and 2D was laying their beside you. 2D noticed that you had woken up when you shifted and his mouth was forming words but you couldn't hear them. You smiled groggily at him and let out a big ywan while you took your ear buds out. "Why do you have scars?" your smile dropped and you opened your mouth to ask how he saw them when he said, "When you were sleeping your shirt moved up and I could see them. You didn't do that to yourself did you?" You knew that you were going to have to share the story once again but you really didn't want to do it so soon. Guess there was no turning back now, "No, I didn't do that to myself. When I was sixteen I was stabbed, robbed, and then shot. This drug addict saw me walking down the street and wanted t use my money to get his latest fix. That's how I got those scars. He really wanted me to die but I showed that asshole. I didn't want to get in the pool because they aren't very sexy or pretty and it made me uncomfortable." 2D shook his head in wonder and curiosity. He couldn't believe that something like that could have happened to you. "Wow." Was all he said for a minute until he said, "I think that you're wrong. Those scars are incredibly sexy." Your eyebrow raised in confusion and your mouth formed a small frown. "How? There is nothing sexy about scars." 2D lifted your shirt lightly to reveal your scars and he gently traced them with his fingers. "These scars show that you're a fighter and a survivor. There is nothin' sexier than that! You shouldn't feel embarrassed about them." He then proceeded to kiss both of your scars and then he kissed you. God did you love him. "Ya know what these scars need?" You shook your head. "No 2D, I don't know what these scars need." He gave you a sly grin and then gripped your waist on both sides. "They need some zerberts!" You squealed with laughter and tried to get away while 2D put his mouth on your stomach and blew to make Zerberts.

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