Chapter 2

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She blinked at him again. For a couple of times this round.

"Of course I can see you. I'm not blind."

The guy gasped and quickly ran towards her. He touched both of her shoulder briefly before she backed off, pushing him away.

"I can touch you!" he looked at his own hands in disbelief. "Thank God! No seriously, God, thank You! Finally someone who can listen to me!"

"Er, are you okay sir?"

He smiled and stood up straight, but after a moment he looked around and his brows furrowed.

"Where the hell am I?"

"Camrose County, Alberta."

His eyes widened, staring at her. "Alberta - as in, Canada?"

Blake nodded slowly. This man is weird, she thought. She backed away quietly, reaching for a baseball bat behind the counter. If this guy made any move to rob her, she would be ready. Well, she hoped.

"Hah. We've been to Alberta before but never thought of exploring the town." he said, as his eyes scanned around the shop.

"What an eerie bookshop you have here." He commented, making his way through with both hands on his hips.

Blake narrowed her eyes at him. How dare he make a comment like that! She'd opened this shop for almost 2 years already and not one customer has ever said that. Well, maybe because Mr Elmer and Mrs Gideon were being too nice.

"Anyway, since I've found you. I need a huge favor. Like, really huge."

Blake cleared her throat before cutting him off.

"Excuse me sir, if you're not interested in any of my books, I ask you to please leave."

The guy stood still, dumbfounded.

"Wait, you haven't heard me yet. I gotta ask you this favor, please!" He made a move to grab her wrist and she immediately screamed. He let her go instantly and both of his palms hung in the air.

"Don't touch me! I will call the mounties!"

"The mounties? What the heck is-"

"Don't make me call them right now, sir! Please leave!" she was shaking, a bit too afraid of this weird looking stranger. She wasn't used to meeting new people. In this town she'd always mingled with the same people, same faces, everyday. And this guy scared the hell out of her.

He finally gave up, but still wondering what a mountie exactly is, as he went out of the door, making the door bell chimed.

Blake quickly locked the door, pulled down the blinds on it and went upstairs, to her room.

She lives just upstairs, and along the way to her bedroom, there were stacks of books everywhere. Sometimes she would just pick one up and started reading right away. But right now she only wanted to be alone under her blanket.

She'd never seen a guy with tattoos like that before, or even a man who wore makeup. She was so close to being robbed and she had nothing on her. Her business is really bad and she's poor as hell.

"Calm down, Blake. You're safe now. That guy was just a stranger. He just needed some help, why are you so afraid of him?" she murmured in front of her mirror. But then a few minutes later she stood up straight, her eyes widened.

"Oh God. Poor guy. He just needed some help. What have I done?"

She ran to her window and peeked outside. There were a few people walking in front of her shop and not thinking of stopping by. The strange guy was nowhere to be seen. But Blake couldn't see clearly through her old rusty window so she went downstairs to her shop and opened the front door.

Still there was no sign of him outside. Maybe he went home already, she thought. The sky looked dark, and she felt drops of water fell on her cheeks. She quickly went inside and closed the door.

"You're looking for me?"

She screamed and jumped around. That weird stranger was standing behind her, smiling like it was nothing. Her heart pounded so fast, she can't even breathe.

"How-how-? How did you-? How did you come in?" she stuttered, her body was shaking all over.

"Your door was unlocked."

She gaped at him, her mouth apart. She was sure she'd locked it before heading upstairs.

"Or maybe you have to change your lock. I don't know."

Blake closed her eyes and calmed herself down. Her heartbeats gradually became slower as she tried to breathe normally.

"What- what do you want from me?" she opened her eyes, and saw him wandering around the shelves, picking up books and putting them down.

"I need to ask you a favor." He stopped walking at looked straight at her.

"What kind of...favor?"

He smirked and went towards her. He raised his hand to touch her shoulder. She flinched and backed away a little.

"Don't worry, I won't bite. I just wanna touch you. I miss the feeling of being able to touch someone. Or something."

She frowned at him. What the hell is he talking about now? In fear, she let him touched her shoulder. When he finally landed his palms on it, he sighed.

"You're so warm. Can I hug you?"


"Jeez, you're grumpy aren't you?"

She pushed his hand from her shoulder slightly and felt shiver when their skin touched.

He was as cold as ice.

"Anyway, as I was saying, I need you to do me a favor."

She waited for him to continue.

"I need you to bring me back."

She raised her eyebrows and trying to digest that favor for a second.

"Excuse me?"

"Bring me back to my friends. I gotta see them. I missed them so much."

"Er, bring you back...where?"

"Southern Cali, Huntington Beach."

She laughed in disbelief. "To the States? No, no. Never. I've never even been out of this town, let alone the country!"

He stood still, looked a bit taken aback.

"What?" she asked after seeing him in silent like that.

"You've never been out of here, like, ever?"

"None of your business!"

She put her hands across her chest angrily. She had never met a person who in just one day, being judgmental towards her. Well, she was one to blame too. She judged him earlier, and took him as a criminal.

"Anyway, why do you need my help? You can take a plane there, or bus if you're afraid of heights." Truth is, she's the one who's afraid of heights.

The guy took a deep breath and exhaled before continuing.

"See the thing is...what's your name again?"

"I didn't tell."

"You didn't? Well then, I'm Jimmy Sullivan." He held out his tattooed arm. She took it, hesitantly.

"Blake Quinn."

As soon as their hands touched, a rush of shivers went straight up to her head. He was truly cold. Like he just went out of a freaking freezer or something. She quickly pulled back, frowning at him.

"The thing is, Blake. I'm dead."

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