Chapter 16

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Jimmy had been staring at this grave plate for hours. It wasn't his. It was another man's grave. He didn't understand why he slipped away again not long after he went out of Blake's body this morning. He hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to her. Or even apologize for making a rash decision for that tattoo on her wrist. She must have been really pissed off by now.

Jimmy read the plate again. "Jude-"

"Hi Jude." He heard somebody's voice emerged from behind him. He glanced around and gasped quite loudly, hands over his mouth.

"Lea??" he called. But Leana didn't hear him. She was dressed in a white blouse with matching skirt and giant sunglasses on her nose. Her four years old daughter, Zoey gripped her hands tightly.

"Oh God Lea, I missed you so much! You have no idea! I was in Canada, I met this girl, she can see me and-" Jimmy quickly ran towards them, spilling everything at once but was cut off when Leana marched forward to the grave, ignoring him.

Zoey, on the other hand, glared at him without taking her eyes off.

"Zoey, you can see me? Oh my God you've gotten so big!"

The child didn't reply him. She just smiled and stared at him.

"Jude," Leana began again. "I haven't been here in a while, have I?" she chuckled to herself. Occasionally she pushed the rim of her sunglasses and sighed. Jimmy listened to her, carefully.

"Our daughter has grown so big. If only you could see her." She squatted down and pulled Zoey into a hug.

"I'm moving on quite well. After you gone, I met this great guy, he was amazing."

Jimmy blushed hearing those compliments from her. He was practically smiled in glee, but abruptly stopped when Zoey giggled watching him.

"He took care of Zoey too. He treated her like his own daughter." Leana continued to ramble while Jimmy crouched down, eye to eye with Zoey.

"Wow, look at those eyes. So blue." He commented, referring to Zoey's amazing electric blue eyes.

"Blue!" Zoey cooed, blinking her eyes for a couple times, understanding Jimmy's words. Jimmy chuckled slightly.

"Hey, wanna see a trick?" he offered.

Zoey didn't reply, just smiled watching him. Jimmy shoved his hand through Leana's head and it went through her. He grinned, opening his mouth happily to Zoey and the kid giggled again. This time it made Leana turned to her. Jimmy quickly withdrew his hand back.

"What are you so happy about, baby?" she kissed Zoey's cheek softly.

"Daddy!" Zoey called. Jimmy was stunned, he wanted to just hug this little kiddo but he can't.

"Yes baby, this is your daddy." Leana brought Zoey in front of the grave but the child didn't pay attention. She was now immersed into the Barbie in her hands. Leana continued to rant in front of the grave and from what Jimmy knew, this was her late husband's grave. She told him how she missed him so much but she was ready to let him go. His unbeaten heart gone heavy - if Leana was ready to let this Jude guy go, then she might be letting Jimmy go too.

"Oh no, Lea. Please don't. I'm here. I'll always be here. Don't forget about me." He spoke into her hair, half-whispering. Leana felt a slight chill on her body and immediately she rubbed her own shoulders.

"Are you done?"

A voice suddenly interrupted, making Jimmy jumped and quickly stood up. There was a man, standing behind Leana wearing a crisp white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbow and a pair of crisp grey pants. His hair was blond and a bit messy but he looked like an actor. Jimmy narrowed his eyes at him, studying his face intently. But the man just casually put his hand inside his pocket and watched her.

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