Chapter 31

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Arin still hung and frozen at the sight of his childhood heroes in front of him. The way Kirk patted his back and assured that he's actually a great drummer, whispered; better than Lars; made him felt glee and blissful inside. For having to easily referred as 'a kid', that compliment really meant a lot to him. But it can't be compared with Jimmy's words, not ever.

He finally decided to tell the guys about the recording but he can't find a right time. Since he woke up he'd been busy with sound checking, full rehearsals, pep talk and basically they were surrounded by outsiders.

"So what do you guys say if after this show we go grab a drink and maybe you can introduce me to that groupie of yours over there. She looks innocent, I didn't know you guys would go for a type of girl like that."

It was none other than Lars Ulrich who was saying those words. His preference in groupies was well known by the Avenged boys, especially Brian but this time Zacky went flustered and unknowingly landed his palm on Lars' chest.

"Hey, man. She's not a groupie okay? She's a friend."

Lars raised his eyebrow and looked down to Zacky's hand. "Chill dude. What's with you?"

Brian felt the need to separate them after he scanned his view over to his wife who sat together with Blake and Valerie, deep in conversation.

"Zack, we gotta go."

Zacky withdrew his hand away and leaned back, fidgeting with his 6661 headstock before turning his glance to Blake who accidentally looked at him and smiled. He smiled back sincerely, getting his pure energy just from that.


"So, before we move on to the next song, we wanna thank the great and legendary Metallica for inviting us here, both headlining this Vegas Metal Show Festival."

The crowd applauded like crazy when Matthew mentioned the legendary band's name. He knew right then that Metallica's fans took more than half of this indoor space which embodied around 10000 people.

"And for the next song, I just wanna take a break and hang with Arin at the back. What do you say if I let Johnny fucking Christ here to sing instead?"



The crowd started to chant Johnny's name and he smiled shyly, making his way towards the microphone.

"Wow look at them Christ! I'm worried you might replace me someday."

"Haha, I'm replacing you right now."

Johnny was fumbling with the microphone stand and made everybody in the room laughed watching him.

"You okay there Johnny? You need me to lift you up or something?" Brian suddenly spoke to his microphone, making everyone burst laughing again.

"Fuck off Gates." Johnny glared at him and was done adjusting the mic stand so that it would suit his height. Matthew walked towards Arin and saw that the kid was dozing off over something.

"Hey kid, you're okay?" he called. Arin looked startled and quickly nodded his head, getting ready to drum away.

"Relax, it's only Seize The Day."

"This song goes out to a special person out there, I know you're in the crowd, just know that I am truly sorry for what happen and I love you to death."

The crowd screamed in a unity of jealousy and wonder for what Johnny had said into the microphone and they twisted and turned to search for the one that Johnny was looking for.

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