Chapter 3

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"Oh boy. Here we go. What trouble did you cause now?"


"You said you're dead. Are you in trouble or something? Cause if you are, I can't help you. I'm broke as hell, and I'm not taking any charity case into my life."

Jimmy scratched the back of his head, not knowing any other way to explain this.

"No, Blake. I'm not in trouble. At least, I think I'm not. I'm dead. Like really dead."

Blake stared at him, her emotion unreadable.

"I - don't think I follow you."

Jimmy drew closer to her, reaching for her hands.

"Feel this."

She gasped at his touch. It was freezing as hell.

"I died at the age of 28, I think in year 2009. What year is it now?"

Blake's heart was stopped even before Jimmy finished his sentence. Her eyes bulged in horror, her face went pale and her mouth dropped open in shock. Her breathing quickened, she was practically gasping for air.

"Hey, you okay?" Jimmy asked her curiously.

She went stiff for a while before she dropped down to the ground, and fainted.

"Blake! Oh shit!"

Jimmy paced around, back and forth. He had carried Blake's body and settled her on a chair. He was waiting for her to wake up but she was still unconscious, her head dropped back and her mouth opened.

He drew near her and studied. A little bit of guilty conscience emerged within his unbeaten heart. He shouldn't have come to this girl but he had no choice. He didn't enjoy being dead for one second. After he died he wandered aimlessly and far away from his home. The funny thing was, he went to every city he and the band had been to during their tour and just watched the life of the people there. He didn't know any of them and didn't know why he was there. He didn't even have any sense of time.

Just today his feet brought him here. And everything around him felt real in just a blink of an eye. He can touch things in here. He can even touch this girl.

The girl was average looking - long and burgundy soft curly hair, with freckles on her cheeks, moderately thin lips and a cute button nose. But she had the most amazing blue eyes Jimmy had ever seen.

But he wasn't here to fall in love with anyone. In fact, he really missed his girl back home. How is she doing? How does she cope with his death? How's her baby doing? He asked that question to himself every day. God he missed that child so much. He had no chance of saying goodbye to her, or even to the six of his best friends.

Brian, a childhood friend that stayed with him through ups and downs, thick and thin. He'd give anything to be with him again, and just fool around like they used to when they were young.

Matthew, how he missed that workaholic fucker. Matthew was the one who had always been the most patient among them, the most rational and like a brother to him.

Zacky, he missed hanging out with that kid, and become a philosophical asshole towards him. He loved seeing Zacky's annoying reaction everytime he gave him some useless advices.

Johnny, the shortest and his most innocent friend. He missed bullying him, punching him in the stomach and hugged him after. He missed them all.

Michelle, his favorite girl. His heart broke everytime he crossed a thought about her. She and Brian went through a lot and now they had to deal with his passing. Life just isn't fair. Well, so is death.

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