Chapter 13

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"I am not an expert in this. I just found out a few days ago that I can see ghosts. But so far I've only seen two. My great aunt Tessie, and Jimmy." Blake paused. They were speechless, but listening hard to her.

"It's up to you guys to believe me or not but I beg you, don't send me to the psych ward."

Matthew blinked fast and shook his head. "No, we - we would never - do that." In his mind he recalled Leana. That poor girl lost her mind just weeks after Jimmy had passed and they had to send her there because she was putting Zoey in danger.

"Okay then. I will now allow Jimmy to possess me, to talk to you guys. Because I know, there's nothing more he wanted than to touch his friends."

Jimmy frowned at her. If he possess her now, that means she would be unconscious and blank pages will appear in her memory again.

"Are you sure, Blake?"

Blake nodded to him, but they saw it as she was agreeing to a wall.

Jimmy couldn't understand why this girl is so kindhearted. She volunteered to be used as a host body for the sake of these seven strangers?

"I couldn't Blake."

"Jimmy. I know you want to. You can cry using my tears, you can hug them using my arms. As long as you didn't kiss anybody." She looked around and they were still frowned at her.

Jimmy pulled her into an embrace, but this time, she didn't feel cold. She felt touches and a tight hug. Maybe she was getting used to his touch. She hugged him tightly back.

They looked at each other as Blake was hugging the wind, but they were eager to finally meet Jimmy.

"Thank you, Blake."

Jimmy swore there were tears formed behind his eyes, a bit. But he couldn't bring himself to cry.

"I need to lie down." Blake requested, and Valerie quickly made room for her on the couch. All seven of them watched as Blake laid her back on it. She lied still, waiting for something.

Matthew too, waited patiently. He hadn't seen this ritual before. Not even when he was all around searching for some kind of psychic power to bring back Jimmy from the dead. But today, he was convinced that this girl was actually telling the truth. Because so far, the girl hadn't asked them for any money.

Blake closed her eyes as Jimmy crawled on top of her, nervously. This time he did it with a bang on his chest. He didn't even know what that is, but it sounded like his heart was beating, fast. He pinned her hips with his own and leaned in.

"Blake," he whispered.

Blake opened her blue eyes and they immediately locked with his.

"Why do you have to do this?" he asked, his voice sounded husky.

"Because you saved my life." She replied in a low voice. Her eyes glinting as she smiled sweetly at him.

He felt that sudden urge to cry but the tears behind his eyes were just too stubborn. He leaned in slowly, eyes still locked to hers. Their lips touched, but instead of sucking out her breath like he did this morning, he kissed her softly. One drop of his tears fell to his cheek. Blake was astounded, but she can't move. Jimmy ran his tongue on her lower lip, begging for access. She didn't dare to allow it, but something came over her mind and made her granted it. As soon as she opened her mouth, Jimmy sucked her breath into his own and Blake was thrown into another world.

They stared for a few minutes as she lay stiff, not moving.

"Is it working?" Johnny asked.

Matthew shrugged at him. They waited a little bit more.

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