Chapter 26

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"Relax, don't panic. This has happened before, right?"

Blake nodded quickly at Zacky. Her eyes started to flood with tears. "But this is the first time I saw him slipping away. He told me he slipped away before but never in front of me. It was like he was fading. Fading into the air."

Michelle stepped closer and pulled her into a hug. They all fell silent and thought hard about this.

"Did he tell you where he went the first time he was missing?" Arin suddenly asked.

"Yeah, he told me he went to his girlfriend." Her heart dropped at the sound of the word coming out of his mouth.

"Leana! Of course! Of course he would go and find her."

They all dispersed, trying to find keys, putting back instruments to their places, shoving off paperwork into bags and basically just getting ready to get out of the studio.

"No, you guys stay and practice. Let me bring her to Lea." Michelle suddenly offered. The guys stood motionless for a bit. After a few of exchanged glances among each other, Matthew shrugged finally.

"Okay. Just, be careful, and if anything, let us know." Matthew rubbed Blake's shoulder and gave her a small smile. Brian went over to Michelle and rested his hand on the back of her neck.

"Don't forget to call me."

"I will, baby."

They kissed briefly and Michelle walked out of the studio with Blake tailing behind. Zacky let his eyes trailed after them with his head tilted to the side, following Blake until she walked past the door. After both girls had gone from sight, Johnny slapped his shoulder suddenly.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Why were you at my house last night?"

Zacky, still rubbing his shoulder, ran his eyes away from Johnny. He pretended to look busy by unzipping his guitar bag and brought out his guitar from it.

"Damn it Zacky, don't ignore me!"

"What are you guys fighting about?" Brian who was watching them bickered from the moment his wife had gone out, casually picked up his Schecter and went over to them.

"Zacky stalked us last night."

"What? Stalk? I didn't stalk! I was...stopping by."

Brian smirked. He knew Zacky like the back of his palm. "Yeah, Z. Last night you were quite in a hurry. Leaving us at the bar after Johnny sent Blake home."

Zacky plugged his guitar in and randomly played a rhythm from Unholy Confessions, which sounded loud, purposely to make them shut up. He felt his cheeks flushed, for having thoughts of jealousy over Blake and Johnny last night.

"Don't be a dick, Zack!" Johnny shouted, demanding an answer from him.

Zacky continued to play loudly, until Matthew came up to them and yelled;

"We don't have Unholy Confessions in our set list, so shut it! I'm discussing with Arin!"

Zacky pursed his lips and cut off the sound of his guitar. He had no choice but to turn and look at Johnny and Brian. They were still staring at him.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Johnny narrowed his eyes at him. "Zacky V..."

Zacky's gaze fell on the floor and accidentally spotted his missing guitar pick. "Oh hey, look! My VU pick!" he bent down to reach for it.

"For God sake, Z. Do you have feelings for Blake or something?"

Zacky immediately stood up straight. His eyes widened and traveled wildly all over them.

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