Chapter 36

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She looked around; her view was blurry and dizzy. Everything seemed to move in such fast pace that she couldn't pinpoint a single thing clearly. Her pain was unbearable that she had to hold on to something. She grabbed the white lab coat of a person running next to her and didn't care if her screams will murder the whole floor.

"Val, Val! I can't follow you in. I'm gonna call Matt and the others. You can do it, sis! Just keep breathing!"

She reached out her hand for Michelle who seemed to fade away and went missing behind the door.

"We're almost there, Mrs Sanders. Just breathe. Follow me. Like this," She saw a moving glimpse of a nurse whom she didn't know, teaching her how to take a deep breath and exhaling it after and she followed her instruction. The pain struck again, as though she was about to ripped apart in pieces. Her screams echoed through the room as they arrived in a dark ambient, only lit by a huge lamp above her head.

"Keep breathing, Mrs Sanders. You're 10 cm dilated, I think you're good to go. Doctor!" the nurse covered her mouth with a mask and off she went to call the doctor. Valerie was left alone, and at war with life but she was left alone.

"AAaaaagghhh!!!!" she screamed loudly but no one seemed to ever approach her. She wondered why. If Matt was here he would yell the fuck out of these doctors and nurses for leaving her alone here. At times like these she wished that Matt wasn't a rock star but a regular guy instead.

Suddenly the lamp above her flickered crazily, making buzzing noise and then shone brightly that she can catch a glimpse of a figure - wearing a white suit with pink colored necktie and the familiar black hair with black eyeliner on the eyes.

"Ji-Ji-Jimmy??" she called. The room went silent. Her pain abruptly gone and those figures of doctors and nurses froze - it was like the time had stopped but she can still move and so did Jimmy.

"Hey Val."

Her eyes pooled with tears. After 9 months of learning to really let him go, he came back and she can see him now?

"I - I - how??"

"I can't be long. I just want you to know that River is going to be fine. Raise him well, and don't forget to tell stories of uncle Jimmy for him."


"Blue like the river."

"I don't understand-"

"Shh. Just go to sleep. Everything's going to be okay."

Jimmy hovered his hand on top of her face and she felt sleepy. So sleepy that she actually closed her eyes tight and drifted off to sleep.

"Mrs Sanders?! Mrs Sanders?!"

The doctor who dressed in a green scrub slapped her face gently a few times but Valerie remained sleeping.

"Shit, how can she fell asleep in the middle of labor?! We have to do C-section! Nurse! Cover her up!"


"Thank you Alberta!!!"

Matthew raised his arms high and flashed the devil horn signs after their encore and ran to the back stage with Brian and Zacky. They were sweaty and exhausted after a 2 hour show in Alberta and they can't wait to get into bed after this.

The first thing he searched for everytime they were done playing a show was Valerie. His almost-due wife was his source of energy before and after show but he couldn't find her anywhere.

"Has anybody seen my wife?" he called but nobody answered him. They just shrugged and murmured a few words about she went that way or the other. Suddenly Jason, their drum tech running up to him in panic.

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