Chapter 21

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There were millions of reasons to why he shouldn't really believe in this. But only one reason to why he should. He still can't get over the image of the mysteriously flying apple over his head thrown by nobody and then that blue eyed girl would laugh hard at him like everyone else. He'd gotten used to being the laughing stock of his friends but this was different.

He watched Jimmy being carried away in an ambulance and still couldn't erase how confusing his thoughts were at the time. Jimmy used to be the greatest bully to him when he was alive but he was also the greatest friend he's ever had. He looked up to him as a brother. In fact all of them are, but only Jimmy would listen to his whines, and complaints and just everything.

Sure Jimmy was close to the other three too, but he was the only one that was allowed to see another side of Jimmy. A side that he'd never knew Jimmy had it in him.


"Dude, you're okay? Coz, if you're not, we can do this some other time."

Johnny turned off his bass amplifier and went over to Jimmy who was bending his upper torso over his drumkits.

"I'm okay. Just...let's get this over with."

Johnny fumbled with his decision whether to go on with this recording or not. The other members weren't here, especially those two guitarists whom already had their part recorded. Vocal wasn't going to be final until all of the tracks are included in the master and bass will always going to be paired with the drum parts. Which means only him and Jimmy were in the recording process of their self-titled album right now.

"Jimmy we can stop if you're not feeling okay."

"Damn it Johnny, I just told you that I'm okay! Would you just leave me-"

Jimmy grabbed his chest briskly, his face scrunched up in agony. He laid his cheek onto the snare of his drumkits and wailed in pain.

"Jimmy!" without stopping himself, Johnny ran towards him, ignoring his Schecter Hellraiser bass guitar which strapped onto his shoulder.

"It burns Christ. My chest!"

"Dude, where's your meds?!"

"I..don't need them."

"What are you talking about, Jim?! You really need your fucking meds, right now. I'll call Frank. He's out smoking. We'll get you to the hospital-" Johnny started to unplug his guitar and making a move towards the door.

"Christ, let me go in peace."

Johnny Christ stopped and stood there, motionless. His mind left blank watching his friend struggled to breathe and with a few seconds later, Frank - their audio engineer came into the studio and panicked as he saw Jimmy was shattered in pain. Johnny saw something new in Jimmy's eyes at the time. Despite Frank succeeded in saving Jimmy for the day, Johnny didn't dare to witness those again.

"Don't...don't tell them about this, Christ." Jimmy mumbled in a low voice, making sure that it will go past Frank's hearing sense after taking his meds forcefully by him. Johnny didn't know what to say, or to do except nodding in agreement.


That was the last time he saw Jimmy in pain. After that he led on a normal life happily as if nothing had happened.

Now, Jimmy was back again. Why would he want to come back? The first month of his passing, Johnny kept recalling the moments where Jimmy seemed suicidal. He didn't want to take his meds on purpose and just let the pain ran through him. It was painful to watch him giving up but Johnny couldn't do anything. It was his choice. Right now, upon his comeback with a mysterious girl, Johnny needed to know the truth.

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