Chapter 32

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"Guys, I want to show you something."

Everybody turned to Arin, who was sitting alone in the corner of the backstage area for the past 20 minutes. They didn't realize that Zacky and Blake had missing.

"What is it kid?" Brian asked and smacked him on the shoulder.

Arin put his iPod on the speaker booth and played a track. All of them listen to the sound of his full of mistakes drumming track from God Hates Us.

"You were quite good earlier with this song, not making anymore mistakes-"

"Matt, just listen."

They listened hard and gathered closely to the speaker.

"......too fast.......crash...."

All of them gasped in shock. Brian cursed under his breath and Matthew just jaw dropped speechless.

"It's Jimmy?? He's back?!"

"He was, for a short moment. He came to me at the studio. And I accidentally recorded his voice."

"Oh my fucking God, I can't believe I can still listen to his voice even after - Blake, she needs to listen to this. She needs to be sure that Jimmy wasn't completely gone. Where the fuck is she anyway?!"


Blake laughed to herself watching Zacky smashed the stuffed monkey desperately. She was holding a half finished cotton candy and they were in a funfair full of games and rides and bright lights. She wondered why Zacky brought her here, but nevertheless, she had fun tonight.

"On your left! There, Zacky, there!"

Zacky smashed the monkey's head hard and it dropped into the hole indicating that he missed the shot.

"This son of a bitch. Come on!!" he smashed harder, making Blake can't control her laughter and when the game finally ended, he only won a keychain with a heart mark engraved on it.

"Well, better than nothing." Zacky gave the keychain to Blake and she took it hesitantly.

"For me?"

"Well, yeah. What else am I going to do with that?"

"Thanks, Zacky." Blake smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek. Zacky felt his face grew a little higher temperature than usual. They walked side by side towards many booths of games but didn't stop to play. Zacky was holding his heartbeat, trying not to be so fucking obvious about his feeling. He just came out of a relationship and having a strange feeling towards a stranger was really making him felt suffocated.

"Zacky, let's try that!" suddenly Blake linked her arm with him, making him startled and forced to look at her direction. It was a gypsy caravan with an obvious supernatural vibe coming from it. He immediately knew what Blake wanted to try.

Without further a due, she dragged him along into the caravan and sheered away the dark purple curtain to find a woman was sitting in the middle, reading a magazine.

"Hello," Blake greeted politely.

The woman jerked around, quickly putting her magazine aside. Zacky rolled his eyes. He knew instantly that this woman was a fraud.

"Blake, I don't feel good about this." He whispered to her ears.

"Oh just one try, will you?"

He had no choice but to sit next to her.

"Welcome to my humble abode." The woman started in a sing-sung voice. She pulled away a thin fabric from in front of her to reveal a lame and cliché crystal ball.

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