Chapter 34

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Zacky stared outside the window, still contemplating about what just happened at the funfair. He had gathered so much courage to finally make a move on her but she denied him by saying - she's in love with a ghost?

This is not happening. It's fucking unbelievable.

Of course Jimmy is easy to fall in love with but he's a ghost! Almost to non-existence. How can she be so vulnerable and fell for Jimmy instead of real person like him? Zacky rubbed his face and stopped, burying it inside his palms. These feelings were confusing yet clear enough for him to admit that Blake had intruded his heart and won't leave.

A heart that used to belong to Tona, he didn't even know whether he still had feelings for her. Sure they'd been together for 3 years plus but living far from her made him realize that he needed more. Especially after Jimmy passed. His tears dried only because Blake appeared in their life, claiming that Jimmy had come back and he suddenly became a believer. He believed in the afterlife eventhough he played songs about that all this while with a skeptical heart.

"Sir, we've arrived."

Zacky ripped off from his thoughts and paid the cab driver 20 dollars before he went out of the car and into the hotel. He saw their tour bus already parked with no signs of activity came from there. He was glaring at it when his phone rang all of a sudden, making him jumped.


"Zacky, where are you at?"

"In front of the hotel."

"Where you've been?"

"Looking for some fun. What's up, Brian?"

"Come to Matt's room. Gotta show you something."

Brian hung up the call without even waiting for his response. He scurried into the hotel and searched for Matthew's room on the 3rd floor. After he rang the doorbell, Valerie opened the door.

"Zacky, come in. Have you seen Blake?"

He stunned under the doorway. "Uh, she's not back yet?"

"What do you mean she's not back yet? Isn't she with you?"

Zacky buried his hands in his hair and pulled it tight. Fear roamed all over his body as all kinds of suspicious thoughts emerged within him.

"Shit, she left me first. I thought she was already back."

"What? Zacky, you know she's not familiar with this city!"

"Fuck, I'll go and find her now."


He was about to run back downstairs when Michelle called from behind.

"Try her room first. Just to be sure. She's not that stupid you know."

Zacky nodded and headed for Blake's room which was quite far, not noticing that the rest of the guys followed him from behind.

Jimmy bolted his eyes open. For the first time since he died, he was having a dream. For the first time ever, he lied on his back, naked and a girl he loved lied next to him, also naked. He caressed her soft pale skin with his fingers and noticed that she was crying in her sleep. He knew why, as he was in that dream with her too. Gently he kissed her lips but stopped abruptly when he heard the doorbell rang.

He waited for Blake to get up and answer that but Blake didn't seem to bother by the loud sound at all. He wondered why, did Jude hold her back in that dream or what? He didn't have much choice. Quickly he landed his mouth on hers and sucked all of her breath, resulted in him possessing her body yet again.

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