Chapter 24

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"Lacey! You're home!"

Lacey stared at him and Blake, looking confused. Her eyes ran wildly all over them, trying to depict the picture in front of her right now.

"John, who - who -" she stuttered, her hands still holding on to the door handle, like she was ready to leave anytime

"Lacey, calm down. This is Blake, a friend of ours."

"A - friend? What is she doing here, Johnny?"

"Uh..." Johnny blinked his eyes fast, trying to find a cover up story for this. Jimmy, watching how Lacey was anxiously standing beside the door got up to his feet and greeted her.

"Hi, Lacey. I believe we've met once before. I'm Jimmy."

Both Lacey and Johnny gasped for two very different reasons yet united into the same curiosity.

"Jimmy? But he's -"

"Dead. I know. I came back."

Lacey glared at Johnny with her mouth dropped open. Johnny rubbed his face and landed both his palms on his hips later.

"Oh, come on John! You can do better than this!"

Johnny startled and furrowed his brows at her. What the hell is she talking about now?

"If you wanna cheat on me at least do it with dignity and not using your dead best friend's name as a lame cover up story! Do you think I would believe that even the slightest?"

"Lacey! I didn't-"

"Oh grow up and get a grip, John! I don't want to see you anymore. You're just like Zacky!" She made a bold statement and after that, gone she went into the darkened night, slamming the door shut in front of them.

Jimmy glanced at Johnny who stood still and frozen stiff watching his love crumbled right before him.

"I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean for this to happen. Let me just go back to Brian's place. You gotta chase her and fix this."

Jimmy patted him on the shoulder and went over to the door that was tightly shut by Lacey earlier.

"No, Jim. Stay with me tonight. I can't go through this alone."

His steps adjourned as he turned his back facing Johnny again. "You're sure? I'm in a body of a girl."

"Stay. Please, Blake?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrows upon his last request. He was asking for Blake or me?


Zacky paced around in front of his own car. He had followed the two of them until here, from the moment he heard that Johnny will bring her home. He thought to himself over and over again. Johnny would never make a move on her, he already had a great relationship with Lacey. But yet here he was, making a hard decision on whether to just barge in on them or to leave it alone.

He had set his heart in a whole, full determination as his feet marched forward to the door. But he quickly turned back to hide behind the bushes in Johnny's front yard when he saw Lacey was walking towards the lawn with keys in her hand. He can't be seen, moreover by his ex-girlfriend's best friend right now. He listened carefully to their slow argument that would build up to an octave higher later.

He heard Blake was introducing herself as Jimmy. Why would she do that? Zacky asked himself from behind the bushes.

"Oh grow up and get a grip, John! I don't want to see you anymore. You're just like Zacky!"

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