Chapter 7

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“Can I have some water?”

Valerie who was standing beside the mineral water tank nodded to her husband. She poured a cup of water for him and handed it over.

“Wow, Canada was sick man. I always love to come here. They even gave us this motherfucking VIP room.” Zacky started, as he chewed some gummy worms that he took from Johnny.

“Yeah, remember when we came here with Jimmy? He went stage diving and it was awesome. He drifted until we can’t see where he went.”

“A fan had to return him to us.”

They all laughed softly as they reminisced all the good times with Jimmy.

“Yo, where Arin at? Did we leave him or something?” Matthew suddenly stood up, searching for the kid drummer all over the small VIP room. There was no one in there besides them.

“He texted me, said he’ll be a bit late.” Brian answered, his hand attached to Michelle’s and rubbing her palm softly.

“That kid.” Matthew sighed. Arin had always been the last one to wake up. The band sometimes had to go to extreme measures just to wake him up.


Blake approached the door slowly. There was a big security guy guarding it. Her body was shaking but Jimmy was right behind her, giving her encouragement to move on.

“H-Hi. Can I see them for a bit, please?” she greeted the guard once she arrived right at the front door.

“Do you have access pass, ma’am?”

She shook her head.

“Then I’m sorry, you can’t.” he said, strictly. Blake nodded and turned back to Jimmy.

“What? That’s it? You’re giving up? Come on!”

“He said I can’t go in. What am I supposed to do?” she whispered while her eyes alert, scanning around.

“Bribe him or something! Show him your tits!”

She gasped and her mouth dropped. People were frowning at her because the gasp was a bit loud.

“Sorry, but that’s what fans usually do!”

“I am not your fan!” she gritted her teeth and stomping back to her seat angrily.

Jimmy rubbed his face and rested his palms on top of his head. Soon, a skinny guy with curly hair came running and went straight into the VIP room without any problem. Jimmy recognized that guy instantly. Then he suddenly vanished.

Reappearing inside the VIP room, Jimmy saw that the kid was saying sorry because he woke up late. They were all nagging at him and he just smiled silly.

They’ve bonded with him. He thought to himself.

They have forgotten about me. He thought again.

He watched as Brian put his arm around that kid’s head and ruffled his hair. He used to do that to him. Michelle pinched that kid’s cheek and said something about how cute he is. He used to be adorable to her too.

Of course Jimmy didn’t want them to mourn and be sad forever but at least he didn’t want them to forget about him.

He was about to teleport out of the room when he heard Matthew said;

“If only Jimmy was here, then we’ll be complete.”

Jimmy’s eyes lit up. He quickly went to Matthew and hugged him but his touch just went through Matthew’s built body as the guy walked forward to Valerie. Jimmy hated people walking through him. He felt queasy when that happened. He wished he can touch them right now, and let them know that he was there. Watching their every move.

“Dude, he’s moved on. And so should we.” Zacky replied him.

Shit Zacky, no! I’m here! I’m still here!

“Yeah man. This is the Avenged Sevenfold now. We can’t fall apart because of this.”

What the fuck are you talking about, short-shit? I’m a part of you guys too!

“He knows we love him. We just gotta move on, that’s it.”

Really guys? Really? Cause it doesn’t fucking look like it!

“Jeez guys, stop attacking me. I’m just saying that if he’s here then we’ll be complete. I’m sure he will like Arin too.”

I hate that guy.

Suddenly Jimmy was being pulled away. Like he was forced to follow something.

“Oh shit, Blake!”

He’d completely forget about that introverted, tensed-up girl outside. He quickly teleported then appeared by her side who was now out of the airport, waiting for a taxi.

“Blake! Where are you going?”


“Fuck! Why? You said you wanna do this. Come on, Blake! They haven’t met you yet!”

“I don’t think you need me.”

“Yes I do. I fucking do Blake. Please? I’d give you my whole life! If I had any.”

She rolled her eyes. He was making that puppy face again.

“On one condition.”


“Stop cursing in front of me. I hate it.”

“Uh…but if you’re going to meet my friends then you need to be prepared.”

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