Chapter 23

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Jimmy stared at her, still looking for a trust in her clearest blue orbs. What the hell did Johnny want to talk about so bad, he didn't even know. But now here they are, in Johnny's mansion after he told the guys that he will take Blake home alone. They threw some suspicious frowns at him but he couldn't care less. He didn't have any bad intention towards her anyway.

Johnny had disappeared into the kitchen, making themselves some coffee as Jimmy and Blake discussed this seriously.

"You're sure about this Blake?"

She bit her lip. "I wanna help Johnny. I like him."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows. "Like, as in - a friend, or more than that?"

She walked closely towards him until her head tilted up and he looked down at her, smiling.

"Jealous much?"

He wanted nothing more than to kiss this girl and took her away from here, but he behaved.

"Is it wrong if I feel jealous?"

"It means you like me."

"I do like you Blake. In fact I love-"

"So, have you decided on it?" Johnny barged in from nowhere holding two mugs and stopped in his steps when he saw Blake was smiling at the ceiling. He's gotta get used to that.

Both Blake and Jimmy turned to face him but only Blake took the mug out of his hand.

"Thanks. Yeah I can do it."

"Great. I can't thank you enough."

She smiled and nodded in acknowledgement before sipping on her coffee mug.

"So, how should we do this?"

"I need to lie down."

Johnny nodded and took the mug off her hand. She watched as he prepared a blanket on his couch for her to lie. It wasn't really necessary but he was being nice. She lied down awkwardly, because he was watching, but when Jimmy went near her she flashed a comfortable smile at him.

Jimmy looked down to her, and glanced at Johnny back.

"You owe me and Blake for this, Christ."

Then he climbed on top of her and this time. Without kissing her softly, Jimmy just sucked her breath and she went missing into the twilight.

A short while later, Jimmy fluttered open his eyes and sat up straight.


He looked up to Johnny. "I'm here, Christ. What do you want?"

Johnny ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. "I never got to say this to you. I love you man. Don't ever leave me."

"Hey, I thought we've passed this stage already?"

"Not me, Jim."

Jimmy smiled weakly and hugged him back.

"Well, I love you too, Johnny. What is it that you wanna talk about?"

Johnny parted from the hug and quickly realized that he was hugging Blake's body. He moved his hands away from her and took a deep breath.

"Did you commit suicide, Jimmy?"

Jimmy was stunned; his eyes fixed on Johnny's, his mouth ajar in total and absolute shock.

"Tell me the truth. I need to know."

Jimmy finally snapped out of his surprised pose and chuckled darkly at the floor.

"What do you think?"

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