Chapter 17

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Blake's stomach was growling. Her mouth kept letting out curse words as she snarled at the police officers who walked by her cell.

"I should just stay in Alberta. I shouldn't have listened to that ghost. I should've just stayed." She mumbled to herself, ignoring officers' stare.


She jumped and brought herself against the wall when a voice suddenly appeared within the cell. It was Jimmy, in front of her and now was coming towards her, with his hands opened wide.

"Blake!! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I left!" he hugged her tightly but she struggled to get away.

"Get off me! Get off! Don't fucking touch me!" she screamed and pushed Jimmy's body away with angry tears running down her cheeks.

Jimmy was taken aback by her furious tone but then soon he realized that they both were inside a room with only metal bars separating them from the outside world.

"Wow, I just left you not long ago and you got yourself arrested? Nice!"

Blake glared at him. Still angry.

"Are you - angry at me?"

"You have no idea."

"I'm sorry Blake, I don't know where I went. I slipped away."

"You what?"

"I was in a graveyard, and I saw my girlfriend with her daughter. It was the most amazing thing, Blake. I saw her. I wanted see her ever since we got here. But then -"

"You left me to see your girlfriend?" Blake was fuming with anger so much she couldn't stand straight. Her heart dropped hearing Jimmy had a girlfriend and he looked like he still had feelings for her. What was she thinking? She was only a helper, a messenger. Jimmy would never develop feelings towards her even though they shared a kiss yesterday. She was angry but at the same time she felt flutter in her stomach remembering that kiss. Blake sat down on the cement bench inside the cell, burying her face inside her hands.

"It was out of my control, Blake. I'm sorry."

She tried to calm herself down by coming back to earth, realizing that she wasn't anybody.

"I wanna go home."

"Okay. We'll go back to my place after we get you out of this -"

"I wanna go home to Alberta."

Jimmy stunned, staring at her. No, they can't go back yet. Not right now. Not after he saw Leana and Zoey. He wanted Blake to send his messages to them too. He wanted Lea to know that he didn't approve of Alex being her new boyfriend.

"Blake, no. Please. Not yet. I haven't finished saying my goodbyes yet."

"I gave you a chance yesterday and look what you did to me!" she raised her arm and shoved her wrist in front of Jimmy's face. Jimmy raised his eyebrows as he read the cursive tattoo; Forever.

"Nice tats." He smirked but it instantly died off when he caught Blake's furious glare. "Uh, I'm sorry. I was drunk and got carried away."

Blake groaned and stood up. She couldn't believe herself. How the hell did I get stuck with this ungrateful ghost?

"Blake." Jimmy approached her and immediately hugged her from behind. His arms locked around her tight that no matter how she struggled, she can't get away.

"Please. I promise I'll never leave you again."

Blake panted, catching her breath from her tiring-but-no-use struggling action and sighed heavily.

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