Damage Goods- Chapter Ten

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My eyes snapped open I looked around to my left and I realised I was in a different room, in a different bed, I wasn’t at home!

I turned to my right and there was Joseph on the bed next to me.

“Easy now” he said anxiously  

“What happened?” I whispered to him

“You didn’t go and see a doctor like I said so you ended up in heap on a tile floor ,and made that cut on you head even worse” Joseph answered

“But its okay my doctor, the man talking to you outside your house saved your precious life, and I will look after you now” he held my hand; I didn’t try to move it away as I was too weak.

“You are at my house now and with the rest of my family, you will be safe”. I then feel asleep soon after, I was too weak to try and fight it.


I suddenly woke up when there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Mr Clark, sorry to disturbed you two” An old women said creeping into the room. She started to carry on with what she was saying “I was wondering if you wanted me for anything?” she asked.

“Umm yes Mrs Dixon, could you make Caroline some food” Joseph answered calmly and politely.

Before she was about to leave Joseph asked Mrs Dixon a question “Could you run Caroline a bath, before you make her supper?” Mrs Dixon nodded and went towards the en-suite that was in the large bedroom. It had old anterior, with dark woods and large furniture.

Joseph rose up from the bed, and looked at me. “I have some business to deal with, so I shall see you down stairs later” he smiled and then left the room.

Mrs Dixon then helped me get up from the bed and guided me to the en-suite. It was very spacious and clean. She then started to undress me, and I didn’t disobey her.

She then left the room and closed the door behind her.

I then went into the bath. Whist I was in there I was feeling sorry for Mrs Dixon, I could tell that she was compelled she was just like a slave. I always let my emotions take over me; some people would say that is a huge weakness but I’ve always been like that.


I guessed how long it has been since I went into the bath, so I decided to get out. I got the towel that was put on the towel rack and wrapped it around me. I open the en-suite door and there was Christopher waiting in the bedroom which I assumed was Josephs. I tried to dignify myself but it was really not working when my towel was slipping and my hair was dripping.

“Hello Caroline, long time no see. Sorry to bother you, just wanted to check you were okay and didn’t drown in the bath” he was trying to say it in a jokey way but only he was laughing.

There was an awkward moment of silence. 

“Umm well I leave you on your own for a bit” he said and exited the room.

I looked around the room wondering what I could wear. I moved over to the bed and I saw there was a neat pile of clothes. Christopher must have put them on there. I picked them up and they were some black jeans and a checker shirt. I slowly put them on and I heard Mrs Dixon call up from the stairs “Suppers ready!”

I then slowly made my way downstairs.

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