Damage Goods- Chapter Twenty-Six

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I drove into the parking lot of the school and parked, I just sat and relaxed in my car before I was bombarded with questions from all of the teens from the school. I knew that Tyler wouldn’t be able to help but gossip about this properly because he’s not happy that I’m falling for Joseph and that I’m going to have a baby with him. I took a deep breath and then opened the door of my car. I slowly made my way out of the car and I could feel the eyes just watching, staring creepily at me. I reached back into my car to the passenger seat to get my bag. I then suddenly heard a voice, a male voice.

“Hi Caroline”

I quickly stood up straight and I saw Tyler leaning his arm and face on the door of my car. This was all I needed; I just really wasn’t in the mood for him today, guessing it was my hormones. I slammed the car door shut which released Tyler’s hold on the door and made him fall forward and cry with the sudden shock.

I started to walk into the school and I knew that Tyler was following me like a lost puppy; we both entered the corridor hasty. “Caroline, Common talk to me”

“Look I need to express how I fell Caroline, please just hear me out” He spoke

I stopped near the middle of the corridor near the lockers. I didn’t say a word but Tyler knew that it was an opportunity to talk.

“I don’t want you to have the baby Caroline” he whispered, even though everyone knew that I was pregnant now.

“Let me guess because it’s his” I snapped

“You have so much of your life ahead of you, preside you’re not the baby type are you, think of all the reasonability you have and how much of a challenge it will be”. I just stared at him but inside I was near to breaking point, I wanted to rip his head off.

He then passed me a brochure which was about abortions it had on the front cover tomorrows date and the time 10:30 am. I just stared at it hoping that he didn’t dig anymore of his grave.

“Look at that, I’ve got you an appointment to have abortion, it’s the better thing for you care”

Angry sprang from me and in a flash I made the brochure catch on fire and chucked it at Tyler I knew that because he was a Vampire he hated fire. He jumped back and then stood on the fire with his shoes which protected his vampire feet.  I then stormed away to quickly find Amelia.


I walked quickly over to the field near the volleyball court and I saw that Amelia was standing there watching some people practice volleyball.

“Hey, what happened?” she asked

“Tyler happened, and this happened” I said whilst pointing to my stomach.

 “Everyone is staring and Tyler is doing my head in” Amelia sprang closer to me and gave me a well needed hug.

“That offer of the sleepover still there?” I asked, I really need a girly night with my Best Friend.

“Yes of course hunnie” Amelia spoke happily “Come around after school tonight and we can have it then!”

“Great” I said happily, at that moment the bell rang. This made Amelia jump to get to class.

“Come on “she spoke whilst moving her hand to persuade me to come over.

“I think I’m going to leave it for today” I spoke.

“Tell them I felt sick yeah?” I started to walk back over to me car.

“Okay, see you later then” Amelia shouted back.

I sat in my car again to reflect what had happened. I wasn’t too sure where to go. I didn’t want to go back to Joseph or back home. I then decided that I was going to drive around to reflect on the day.


Joseph and Christopher had tried to call me during late lunch time but I just didn’t want to answer then yet, and presides why do they need to talk to me?

I started to drive back into town; the long drive did me good as I just needed to clean my head out. I then heard my phone rang I went to see who it was and it was Amelia.  I then put it on loud speaker.

“Hey” I said in my normal tone of voice.

“Hi Caroline” Amelia spoke quickly.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned, I knew that something was up. “Nothing about the sleepover is it?” I questioned.

“No, no” she spoke “Look I thought that I should just tell you that Joseph and Christopher have been looking for you, they are worried”

“Oh right” I whispered

“And Christopher compled the office lady and he found out that you said that you were ill, I didn’t say anything I swear. And well then he came into my class and asked me if I saw you.” She started to mumble what she was saying.

“And then what?” I asked

“Well they thought that you were going to have an abortion, I told them about what Tyler had said” she then started to choke “And now I have no idea where Tyler is”

“Right okay, well to start off we Amelia NOTHING is going to ruin our girly night, I shall resolve this and find out where Tyler is okay?”

I heard a little squeak saying “Yeh”

“If you could grab some of my stuff from my house that would be great” I said quickly as I knew I need to get back to Joseph’s and speak to him.

“Yeah sure, call you later”

We both hanged up the phone and started to pick up the speed to get back to Joseph.  


I know that I havnt uploaded for a while so sorry about that been super busy. I hope you guys like it if you could please vote that would be amazing- thank you.

Also any ideas would be cool- and I will try to put them in.

Would like to say thanks to all of those who have supported this story up to this point means so much to me xx :D

Thanks again :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2012 ⏰

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