Damage Goods- Chapter Twenty-two

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I was sitting in my car waiting till 5 o clock to get ready for Edmund ball. It was 4:56pm, I just closed my eyes and wished that all of this drama could go away; everything was always so complicated in my life.

I turned the engine of my car and started to drive over to Joseph and Christopher’s mansion...

I entered the mansion and Joseph was the first to greet me.

“I picked you out a dress sweetheart, its upstairs in my room” Joseph whispered and kissed me on the cheek.

I made my way upstairs and I was thinking how I have grown to love Joseph, how he has actually changed, how life would be with him. What our family would be like. I loved that idea- my family.

I entered his room to see a large blue box on my side of the bed and small a pale cream box. I opened the cream box first and inside was a stunning pair of high heels they were the same colour as the box with little sequins covering around them.  I then removed the lid of the large blue box and inside was a beautiful ball gown I lifted it out of the box and took of my clothes and placed it over myself.

I looked in the full length mirror that was inside the bedroom, the dress fitted perfectly it was a fall length red dress which fanned out at the bottom it was covered in sequins around my waist, it was like it was made for me.

I put my hair up in a bun and added some beautiful clips to hold it in place; I also had a few strands of my hair which I curled down near my face. I applied my makeup which consisted of dark brown eye shadow and neutral lipstick and blusher. I looked at myself in the mirror and focused on my stomach. I looked at it for a brief moment and thought to myself how could this happen?  I was actually delighted that this happened!

I heard the door click open, and I turned around. It was Amelia.

“Hi” I said and ran over to her to give her a hug.  Amelia shriek with excitement.

“Hiya, you look sooo pretty Caroline” she said excitingly

“Well I know it’s hard to believe but Joseph picked out this dress” I whispered, so that he couldn’t hear what I said.

“I wish he picked out my dress” Amelia said sadly.

“What are you talking about, you will look lovely” I said

“But, how come your here though?” I questioned polity

“Christopher invited me to be his date” Amelia answered

“Oooh tell me the gossip whilst you get ready” I said excitedly  

I helped Amelia fit into her dazzling dark blue gown, and sorted out her makeup and hair. Amelia’s makeup was made up of darker colours because of her dress. I made her hair curly but swept to the side. She looked very cute.

She had told me that Christopher had visited her house to ask her to the ball and that he said that he wanted to know her more. I was happy for her that she had found a possible guy. The other guys she’s been with have always dumped her within a month it was liked she was jinx; I was secretly rooting for them.

“See you downstairs” she said excitedly

I had one last look to make sure that everything was how I wanted.

I slowly made my way downstairs and Joseph was waiting down the stairs in the hallway for me.

I held onto the banister and glided downstairs.

He turned to face me and his face was frozen.

“You look Beautiful my darling” he whispered in my ear, whilst I held his hand. He opened his arm so that I could put my hand around it and we started to walk out into the front yard. We both slipped into the limo where Amelia and Christopher were already in. We made our way to the ball...


Hi guys hope you like this :D

If you want to what the dresses look like type this link into the internet

Carolines dress- http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=red+ball+gowns&start=68&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADSA_enGB432&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=ijxwPRSPEyn8pM:&imgrefurl=http://www.olaybridal.com/discount-admirable-red-sweetheart-ball-gown-beading-tulle-satin-floor-length-prom-dress-pd082-p-16434.html&docid=yiWuO4VM1oY21M&imgurl=http://www.olaybridal.com/images/special-occasion-dresses/prom-dress-082.jpg&w=873&h=1200&ei=xLenT-_oKamw0AW_p9yGBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=336&vpy=258&dur=3428&hovh=263&hovw=191&tx=116&ty=156&sig=114273783897888471438&page=3&tbnh=137&tbnw=103&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:68,i:26

Amelias Dress- http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=ball+gown+blue&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1R2ADSA_enGB432&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=b8WqNeDBAIAksM:&imgrefurl=http://www.dress-custom.com/category/Joli-Prom-Dresses/41_Blue-Tulle-Ball-Gown-by-Joli-Prom-9143--_800.html&docid=NH8xZJUzhwkWIM&imgurl=http://www.dress-custom.com/category/Joli-Prom-Dresses/images/17_2010-09-28_38db78cdf9.jpg&w=320&h=533&ei=csCnT8HuE-Oh0QWN_Kn7Aw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=889&vpy=101&dur=600&hovh=290&hovw=174&tx=129&ty=154&sig=114273783897888471438&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=72&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:84

Again could you please comment and vote would mean a lot to me.

Thanks for reading :D xx

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