Damage Goods- Chapter Seventeen

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I hastily made my way out of the house and got into my new BMW that I bought a little while ago now. I drove at the correct speed even though I was dying to drive quicker and faster. I made my way into the centre of the town, where the shops were. I parked my car in the closest space to the pharmacy as possible. I then slammed the door shut and walked quickly towards the shops trying to avoid the humans.

I got inside the pharmacy and walked past all of the unnecessary parts of the shop. I made my way to the middle of the shop at the back and there was a whole selection of pregnancy tests. I just stared at them.

I chose the first one that caught my eye and I quickly just bought some other unnecessary stuff like a tooth brush and a hairbrush to try to disguise the test. I made my way over to the check out and gave the cashier my money. I then looked out of the big window of the shop and saw Amelia standing outside.

The cashier gave me my shopping in a small bag and my change.

I made my way out of the shop hoping that she hasn’t seen what I bought, because that was all I need her sticking her nose into it!

As quick as I could I made my way over to my car, but suddenly I bumped into someone. “I’m so sorry , I wasn’t looking were I was going” I said

I then rushed to get everything back into my small carrier bag. I placed all of the things back into my bag and looked up to see who I bumped into. It was Amelia.

“On second thoughts, I don’t think that I am sorry” I said angrily

“Look Caroline. I’m sorry, I’ve been such a cow and I saw you go into the shop and, well I knew you wouldn’t talk to me if I asked you to so...”  Amelia said

“Okay” I said and unlocked the door in my car and sat inside it.

“I know about the test by the way” Amelia added

My facial expression changed I was scared that she would say something. I thought that I was too quick for her to even see what I bought.

“Please don’t say anything” I begged Amelia

Amelia was thinking about what I said “Okay” she dragged out “but you have to let me come with you, and let the past stay in the past yeah?” she said

“Yeah” I said and got out of my car to hug her. 

“So since when were you two an item?” Amelia said curiously

I just laughed and answered her “A little while” . It was nice to have a girly chat.

After that we both got into my car and drove back to the mansion.

I rushed upstairs to the bathroom, whilst Amelia kept a look out.

I went to sit onto Josephs bed whilst I was waiting 3 minutes to see what the test would say, at this time Amelia came upstairs to comfort me like a normal best friend would.

The 3 minutes were up and I couldn’t bare to wait any more every second felt like a minute, adrenaline was running through me. I looked at the test and it read- pregnant.

At first I was delighted and so was Amelia but then I felt worried and scared. I didn’t want to think of this anymore, so I chucked the test in the half full bin in the bathroom and I made sure that it was hidden by using the other pieces of rubbish to cover it.

I heard the click of the front door and Joseph was home.

“Hi honey I’m home” he joked and entered the bedroom

“Hey” I and Amelia both seemed to say at the same time

“I better be going” Amelia said and left the mansion.

“Are you feeling better now? You two friends again?” Joseph questioned

“Yeah fine and we are all good, again” I answered

He moved over closer to me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

“Good” he said “I’ve got a surprise for you” he said

I couldn’t help but think of the big surprise that was growing inside of me.

I pretended to act excited.

Joseph covered my eyes when we got downstairs and led me outside....


Hope you guys like it ;)

If i get at least 5 likes i shall write the next chapter :D

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