Damage Goods- Chapter Twenty one

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“Hello Edmund” I answered back to the face that I have only seen once in my life. He was very much so similar to Christopher than Joseph. However he doesn’t look as muscular as his two sons, but I would never underestimate his strength.

I met him once when our household held a ball, because at the time Joseph and Christopher were living with us they invited him to come along. However the last and first time I saw him I got a strange feeling, a feeling to tell me to get the hell away from him that he was trouble, not just because his was an Vampire but because of his ora. I couldn’t help but think of what my father had said to me ‘run Caroline’ it was like an echo in my thoughts.

“Why have you been crying child?” he questioned

I just looked at him, I couldn’t tell him anything about me- not about me contacting my father, not about me and Joseph being together and certainly not about the baby that was growing inside of me.

“Look, nice seeing you again but I have to meet someone” I quickly said and started to hasty walk back to my car. 

Suddenly Edmund was blocking my way, I didn’t even look at him I just tried to move past him but he was blocking my way.

“Get out of her way” Joseph snapped and was standing behind Edmund. 

“Ah, Joseph what a pleasant surprise. Do you ever go anywhere without this girl?”

“If you want a fight, fight against me, don’t drag her into it” Joseph snapped.

When I was hiding away from Joseph I heard stories from people who had said that Edmund has disowned one of his sons and tried to kill him, but it back fired and the dagger which temporally kills an original was placed into Edmunds heart.

I was told by Christopher that they always had a bad relationship and that he had always disliked Joseph from the day he was born because his mother died when delivering him, and because of the power that he had when he became supernatural- he became so much stronger than Edmund because of his ora and personality.

Edmund allowed me to pass, and Joseph put his arm around me and we started to walk away. Unexpectedly Edmund had pushed Joseph away from me and Edmund was standing behind me touching my hips to make sure I didn’t move. His face was near my neck, his fangs getting closer to me “Listen to me Joseph, I want for you and Caroline to come to the ball I am hosting tomorrow night, if you do not attend then I shall track both of you down and kill her whilst you watch and then kill you Joseph” he hastily said

“Do you understand, boy” he said whilst looking at Joseph.

Joseph nodded his head and my body was released I was free to go. We both made our way to my car, but Joseph took the keys from my hand and he started the engine and we started to drive back to my house.


When we arrived back at my house all I could think about was just why it was so important for us to go to the ball. Was he going to try to kill Joseph there?  Joseph was pacing up and down my hallway.

He then opened his mouth and spoke “Are you okay love?” he questioned

“I’m fine, did Christopher tell you ...?” before I could finish I saw Josephs face lit up. “Yes he did, it’s wonderful news my darling”

“Please say that you’re going to keep it”. I didn’t answered I just stared at him.

“Caroline did you say anything about the baby to Edmund?” Joseph questioned whilst looking very worried

“Of course not” I answered

I looked at Joseph and I could tell that he was thinking.

“No!” he whispered

“It’s just clicked” he said

“Wait what are you talking about?” I asked

“You see Edmund didn’t have the true power of strength like me, but he had the ability to see people’s secrets to find any information just by touching a person” he answered sadly

“He knows Caroline” Joseph said worriedly

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