chapter 3

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The time is 8:24pm. I stand outside the door to my room, wondering if my roommate had arrived yet. I'm really eager to meet him, but I try to hide it as I unlock the door and push it open. I see a figure on the couch and get butterflies in my stomach as he stands up and walks towards me.

"Hi! It's really nice to meet you, I'm Alexander Hamilton." he says, holding out his hand, ready for me to shake it. 'This guy seems really nice, really cute too.' I think to myself as I smile back and shake his hand.
"John Laurens, great to meet you too." I replied happily.
"I thought that I'd wait until you got here to choose a bed, so that you had some say in it too." He said, still gripping onto my hand as he turned around. He must have noticed me looking down at our hands, as he quickly released his grip and blushed. I suppressed laughing and tried not to blush myself. I thought it was really cute that he even bothered to think about things like which bed I'd want.
"Thanks Alex, you can choose if you want, I don't mind." He chose the one on the right, by the window and started putting his sheets on it, so I did the same with my bed. He looked over to my bed and chuckled a bit to himself.
"Cool turtle bed sheets, John." He said, not in a mocking tone though. It was more in a way that made it sound like he thought they were cute, which made me smile. I looked over at him, observing what he was doing, and noticing more of his features. He was shorter than me and had black hair pulled into a messy ponytail, dark brown eyes and stubble. I didn't realize that I was staring at him until he said my name:
"John?" He looked at me, a confused look spread across his face.
"Um...yeah, sorry, I was just thinking..." God, now I look like an idiot. For some reason, there was something about this guy that made it hard for me to tear my eyes away from him. I blushed hard as I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye, and I tried not to look away from my bed as I finished putting on the sheets.

I sat down on the edge and checked my phone for any notifications, and I saw that I had a snapchat from Lafayette, one of my best friends from my old school, telling me that he was in room 76 with a guy called Hercules Mulligan on floor 3, the floor above Alex and I.
"Hey Alex, is it alright if I invite my friend and his roommate over?"
"Sure, that's fine by me." He responded, a smile spreading across his face.
I snap-chatted Laf back, telling him to come down to our room if he wanted to. He responded quickly, saying that they'd be down in 5 minutes.


"My friend Lafayette and his new roommate are coming in a few minutes" he said to me as he walked over to the sofa.

Jesus, this boy is hot. I shouldn't be thinking that, but how can't I? I nearly melted when he walked into the room, but I sure made an idiot of myself when we shook hands. His gorgeous eyes distracted me, as I observed what colour they are. They're hazel, but they have flecks of green and yellow in them. I found myself getting lost in them as he spoke to me.
I started talking about which bed he wanted, when I noticed him looking down at our hands, and how I was still holding his tightly. I felt my cheeks get warm as I let go of his hand and saw him trying to suppress laughter.

Whilst we were making our beds, he stopped for a moment and stared at me for a while, observing what I was doing. I pulled him out of his trance and he awkwardly kept making his bed with his adorable turtle covers.

20th June 2017

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