chapter 14

642 24 82

26th September 2016

Johns POV:

"Shit." Alex whispers. I groggily open my eyes, cursing myself for being such a light sleeper. Alex, who would usually still be asleep next to me at this point, is standing by his desk holding a key. Immediately I recognise it by the two keychains on it. One is an American flag, the other is a French flag.

"Oh crap, have we had that here since Friday? And what time is it, Lex?"

For a moment I see him blush and I know it's because he likes my voice in the morning. He shakes it off quickly, trying to remain cool.

"Yeah I think so. And it's just past 6, I woke up early to finish my homework for today since I didn't do it at the weekend."

Fuck. It's Monday.

"Okay, now that I'm awake I might as well get ready. We can drop it off at a reasonable time for them to be awake."

He laughs a bit at my sarcasm so I shoot him an angry glare before picking up a towel from the floor and trudging into the bathroom, dragging the towel behind me.

I decided to take a long shower, washing my hair twice. After all, I had enough time. During this time I remember what happened last night and smile. Although it may seem early to some people, I genuinely meant it when I told Alex that I love him. It wasn't some meaningless heat of the moment bullshit. It was, and still is the truth. He means everything to me.

Alex's POV:
When John came out of the bathroom 25 minutes later, I expected him to still be faking holding a grudge against me. Instead, I was greeted by him slinking out with a huge grin on his face.

"Why are you so happy, sweetie?"

He looped his hands through my arms and traced circles onto my back with his fingers, sending shivers up my spine.

"Because, baby, I love you. I really do."

A smile grew on my face as I remembered last night, just before we went to sleep. I looked up to him with wide eyes and a red blush grew on his face as I trailed my hands around his waist so they rested on his lower back.

"I love you too, honey."

We shared a long, soft kiss, which lead to my hands unintentionally falling slightly to the edge of his towel. Quickly, I withdrew my hands and pulled away from the kiss.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, Alex, I should get dressed anyway." He winked and smiled as he grabbed some clothes and sauntered back into the bathroom.

I buried my face in my hands and groaned in embarrassment. Whatever, if he uses this against me I can bring up when he told me suck his dick.

A few minutes later he emerges from the room and walks back to me, checking his watch.

"Damn, only half past six, I wonder what we can do until we go to Laf and Herc at.. seven?" He smirked as he gripped the collar of my hoodie. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.

"Um, well I just need a few minutes to finish my homew-"


Just as I opened my mouth to speak again, I was cut off by John shoving our lips together, and my gasp of shock gave him an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. At first I tried to resist but quickly gave in and kissed back with just as much lust and passion.

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