chapter 18

551 25 69

31st October 2016

Third Person POV:

"No Alexander, I am not letting you do schoolwork today. It's a whole day off, no way am I letting you waste our time of freedom." John tugged a Alexander's sleeve, trying to pull him away from his desk. Alex readjusted his bulky glasses and turned to John.

"John, it was literally the weekend yesterday." Alex groaned. "Just let me finish this page please."

"I don't even know why you're writing law essays, Washington isn't even here and-"

"And that is precisely why I should be doing my work!" Alex interrupted, pointing a finger towards John with one hand whilst still relentlessly typing with the other.

John rolled his eyes dramatically, not that Alex was paying attention to him anyway.

"And you're already months ahead of everyone else." He finished, crossing his arms and huffing. Alex swirled around in his chair and took John's hand in his.

"Look, Peaches, I just want to finish this one little essay-"

"Alexander it's hardly little, you've already written 51 pages."

"I've only got a few more to write!" He argued.

"The required amount was five! You told me you were nearly done when you'd written 29!" John exclaimed, tugging his hand away and flailing his arms around wildly. Alex quickly snatched the hand back, reaching over with his free hand to save his document and close the lid of his laptop.

"Hey John," he pressed a soft kiss to the back of John's hand. "look, see? I've closed it and I'm ready to do whatever you want all day. I love you and I'm sorry for getting caught up in my work... again."

John smiled softly and blushed, pulling Alex up from his chair and into a hug.

"Thank you. Now, let's get coffee, I'm dying for a caramel frapp."

Alex shook his head gently and laughed, following John as he pulled them out of their dorm.


"So," John started, taking a sip of his frappuccino, "what are the others dressing up as for the party?" He said, in reference to the huge party that the Schuyler's were hosting that night.

Alex took a swig of his black coffee as he thought back to what Eliza had told him the previous day.

"Uh, Maria and Eliza are dressing up as an angel and a devil, it doesn't take a genius to figure out which way round, James and Peggy are going as Hogwarts characters, Angie and Thomas are going as characters from The Hunger Games and obviously Laf and Herc will be matching with our costumes."

"I'm still very proud of the idea for our outfits." John said smugly.

"Oh yeah? Well really Herc should be the proud one since he made them." Alex retorted, raising his eyebrows and chugging the rest of his coffee.

"Whatever, he only did it for the extra credit." John sank further into his seat, pretending to be grumpy.


After they got back from the coffee shop, it was 3:30 and they decided to have a late lunch back at their dorm.

"Seriously Alex? Mac n' cheese? You're turning into Jefferson." John folded his arms and shook his head.

"It's really not that bad, it's just gross when he brings it to class, Washington had to ban snacks because Jefferson kept on Mac and cheese in law, like imagine having it cold, gross." Alex responded, stirring the pasta every so often.

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