chapter 22

378 16 41

18th December 2016

John's POV:

Alex is a difficult person to live with, especially in the mornings that he doesn't wake up, which is mostly when he's stayed up all night. Despite classes ending for Christmas break two days ago, this was one of those mornings as he'd decided to do his Law essay on the first night of the vacation.

I knelt at the edge of our bed, half of me wanting to stay there and admire him, but the logical part of me knowing that I have to wake him up before it's too late to leave.

"Alex? It's time to get up." I whispered gently into his ear, earning nothing but a soft snore in response. "Alex?" I said at my normal tone, still not earning a response. I rolled my eyes, knowing that there is only one true way to wake Alex up. "ALEX!" I screamed into his ear. His eyes flew open and his head shot up as he looked frantically around the room for the source of the sound, eventually having his eyes land on me, smiling innocently back to him.

He groaned and pulled a pillow over his face. "Fuck you, John Laurens."

"Later Alex, we have to go now so grab your shit, we're getting McDonald's for breakfast." I replied, pulling on his arm.

Apparently that was all of the convincing he needed since he got out of bed with no complaint. "Well, lets get going then." He started to walk towards the door.

"Alexander Hamilton you are in your boxers."

"After I get dressed." He stated, turning back towards the closet.

- - -

We spent a long time driving, about 11 hours to be exact. Being the fussy boyfriend that he is, Alex decided that he was bored of driving after two hours so I had to take over for the rest. The journey was quite uneventful, save for a few obligatory make out sessions, but we arrived at just after 8pm.

I dragged a groggy Alex down the pathway, him complaining the whole way. "Why are we even here, couldn't we just stay alone in our dorm for Christmas break?" He groaned, rubbing his tired eyes since I'd just woken him up. We came to a halt at the front door and I rang the bell and made him straighten his back to look somewhat awake.

"Alex you know that we couldn't, nobody is allowed to stay in their dorm over holidays."

"It's not like I have a family to go to. Also, we'd have been able to have much better sex there than he-"

"Alex shut up they're coming." I cut him off as I started to hear voices coming towards the door

The door swung open and we were greeted by a wide smile from my mom. "Jacky! We all missed you so much." She exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. "And this must be Alexander, it's so lovely to meet you." Much to Alex's surprise, she hugged him too.

"Hello Mrs Laurens, it's so nice to finally meet the one who brought up such an amazing person." He replied, wrapping an arm around my waist.

I rolled my eyes and smirked across at him. "Well, shall we?" I said, grabbing my luggage from behind us.

My mom smiled at both of us and motioned for us to walk past her. "Jacky's siblings will be so excited to meet you, Alexander, they don't really know much about you other than your name."

"Please feel free to call me Alex, and the same to them. John's told me plenty about them already."

Before we went to the kitchen where my mom told me the rest of my family was, I took Alex up the stairs to put our bags in my room.

"Oh no Alex, we'll have to share a bed, whatever will we do?" I said sarcastically at the doorway, faking a sigh.

"Oh my, it's not like we've done that since the first week we've been going out." He replied, shoving past me.

We quickly threw our bags down and raced down the stairs, nearly tripping over each other's feet as we went; It took a lot of effort not to end up in a heap on the floor at the bottom.

"Hey family!" I shouted as I poked my head past the door. They all turned to me and smiled wider than usual.

"Good to see you, Jacky!" My Dad said from the table where he had previously been typing at his laptop.

"Has your hair grown even fucking longer?" My sister Martha said to me, making me snicker a little.

"Language around the little ones!" My mom said, covering my youngest sister Mary's ears.

I shrugged it off and turned back to Martha. "Probably." Suddenly I remembered Alex standing shyly behind me. "Guys! This is Alex, my boyfriend!" I pulled him in front of me where he smiled and waved.

My dad raised his eyebrow and rose from his seat and walked over to where we were stood. Immediately every awful outcome crossed my mind as I remembered something that was kind of crucial to mention.

I forgot to tell him that I'm gay.

He stood directly in front of Alex and placed a hand on his shoulder, their height difference looking almost comedic in the moment, and said to him "Treat my son right, and we'll have no issue."

I let out my breath and shared a relieved glance with Alex.

"Wouldn't dream of it sir." Alex said back, something rather vague for a person who usually has so much to say.

- - -

3rd Person POV:

About an hour later, Henry, Eleanor, John, Alex and Martha sat around the kitchen table eating Chinese takeout.

"So Alexander, I believe John's told me that you're roommates?" Henry asked Alex between mouthfuls of chow mein.

"Yeah, that's how we started going out actually, we're not actually in a lot of classes together, we have very different majors." Alex chuckled and elbowed John in the ribs, causing John to glare at him with noodles hanging from his mouth.

"Oh, what are you studying then?" Eleanor Laurens added in, looking round to face Alex with a wide smile.

"I'm majoring in Law and-"

"See Jacky, I told you that you should have studied Law instead of that art junk." Henry butted in.

"Dad we've been over this, I literally have no interest in something so boring."

"Well you could say the same about turtles." Alex mumbled smirking at John.

"Take that back, Alexander!" John said with a distraught expression on his face.

Alex stuck his tongue out at John and continued to eat his meal. Whilst he was trying to be angry at Alex, John decided it was best to just focus back onto the show playing on the tv and ignore his family.

"Whatever." He muttered.

18th November 2017

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