chapter 15

441 21 8

26th October 2016 (time skip a month because it's all basically classes.)

Aaron's POV:

Good morning Aaron :)

I smile. Theo and I have been friends for nearly a year now, we started as pen-pals and eventually gave each other our numbers; We text each other every day, she's become one of my closest friends. Over this time, I'll admit, I have developed feelings for her. I know, it's crazy, especially since the only picture I've ever seen of her is a small one that she sent with her first letter to me. I keep it in my wallet and glance at it every now and then when I'm alone, it keeps me calm.

Mornin' Theo :)

So, it's been about a month since you moved schools, right? How are you finding it?

Yeah, about a month, and it's honestly
amazing! The teachers here are way better than my old school. I should've come to Columbia in the first place, Alex made a good choice by coming here.

No way, you're at Columbia University? You never told me man! I'm here too! How haven't we seen each other?!

My heart stopped. Theodosia Bartow, the girl I've longed to see for almost a year is in the same University as me.

If you're joking, Theo, I'll cry because that won't be funny.

Room 27, Ramos block.

Shit. Instantly, I feel any grogginess from sleeping become drowned out by a burst of energy and I scrambled out from my bed.

"Aaron, the hell are you doing?" James asks, squinting as I turn on the lights to find my clothes.

"I'm going to find the girl of my dreams." I grin as he rolls his eyes and pulls his duvet over his head.

"Whatever, just remember to turn the light out when you leave." His muffled voice replies.

After tugging on a nice pair of jeans, I search for a shirt that looks the least creased, settling for a baby blue one. I roll up the sleeves and head to the bathroom to try and make myself look more presentable.


Fifteen minutes later, I'd searched around every dorm block until I finally came to the last one, Ramos block. Nervously, I walk inside and head up the stairs and along the corridor, when I find myself outside room 27.

I sigh, "Cmon Aaron, don't be nervous. You've only wished for this moment for 11 months, no big deal. Okay, kind of a big deal." I whispered to myself.

Motivated from my pep talk to myself, I knock on the door before me, my heart thumping so loud it probably woke up everyone in the building. I think about leaning against the wall so that I'll come across as cool, but Theo already knows me, I've told her enough awkward stories for her to lose interest in me completely, which she luckily hasn't.

The door swings open just as I decide to stand with my hands in my pockets. Stood before me is probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. She has long, wavy brown hair with golden highlights in it, her eyes stand out among all her other features, their bluey-grey colour contrasting against her warm, bronze skin.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Theo, hi. It's so nice to finally meet you" I politely extend a hand for her to shake.

She smirks, grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug.

"Same to you, Aaron." Her angelic voice whispers into my ear.

I hug her back for a moment before pulling away.

"This is crazy. How have we been going to the same school for a month, living on the same campus, and yet we've never seen each other until now?"

"Well, we probably take different classes, you're doing law, right?" I nod. "Well I'm taking a lot of art subjects, so that explains why we have no lessons together."

"God, Theo, I'm so glad you're here. It sounds weird to say since we haven't met before, but this feels less like we're meeting and more like a reunion."

"I know what you mean Aaron. Hey, do you want to head down to the coffee shop? They make some killer drinks there."

"Sure, I haven't been there many times, my roommate has a coffee machine in our dorm but I usually drink tea anyway."

She smiled and nodded. "My roommate drinks tea too, I swear she's obsessed with it, I never see her without a cup. Her names Maria, do you know her? Maria Lewis?"

I shake my head. "Never heard of her."

"She's pretty nice actually, sadly she doesn't have too many friends, people misjudge her and think that she sleeps with any guy she can get her hands on because her ex told everyone that after they broke up, but that honestly isn't true. She's actually a very sweet person and is one of my closest friends." She shrugs.

"She sounds great." I assure her, to which she smiles.


Whilst we are in the coffee shop, we talk more about our classes, friends, interests and more. We get along really well and head back to our dorms together, promising to meet up again very soon.

30th August 2017

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