chapter 8

800 28 88

September 19th 2016

Alex's POV:

"ALEX!" I hear a voice shout, presumably John's. My eyes shoot open to see John hovering above me, his face conveying a panicked look. I instantly start to worry, since he's usually pretty calm.
"John, calm down, what's wrong?" I respond, trying to have John mirror my calmness. It doesn't work.

"We only have 3 minutes to get to class."


I bolt out of bed and into the bathroom and brush my teeth more rapidly than I've ever done them before. I run out of the room to see John holding his bag and staring down at his watch, so I quickly shove some books into my bag, not checking if I've even got the right ones, pull on some random clothes from the floor and nod at John, signalling that I'm ready to sprint to our first lesson of debate class.

We arrive together, bursting through the door two minutes late, but we see that people are still just taking their seats, so we don't panic too much. John and I take seats next to each other, and I look down and realise something. I'm wearing John's hoodie.

"Oh crap, sorry John, I just picked a random one off of the floor." I say, directing my hands towards his bright orange hoodie.

"Don't worry man, it suits you better anyway." He responds with a wink, that doesn't seem very platonic to be honest, but I brush past it, dismissing any thoughts of him having feelings for me.

Instead of responding, I just smile and blush a bit, directing my attention to the front of the room, where just like yesterday, Mr Washington walks into the room.

"Hello class, good morning, and welcome to your first lesson with me in debate class. I hope you like who you're sat next to, because they're your partner in this until Christmas break."

John and I turned and looked at each other; I saw his freckled face beaming at me brighter than the sun itself. His beauty blinded me in this moment, there was a stream of light over his face, lighting up most of the right side of his face. The natural light made his usually hazel eyes appear more of an earthy green colour, whilst the eye that wasn't covered in sunlight retained its usual appearance, an equally gorgeous colour. His hair was still slightly messy, probably from waking up and realising how early it was. Regardless, it still looked amazing, he could suit any hairstyle, I swear. His smile was wider than I've ever seen it before, it was the cutest thing in life and I could barely handle it. He looked so... perfect. There's really no other way to describe him other than that. And, his appearance seemed so effortless. The guy literally woke up ten minutes ago, and he's already looking flawless, in comparison to my huge eye bags that scream 'sleep deprived'.

Man, I need to tell this guy how much I like him, soon too, before he's gone, before it's too late.

"Lucky you, Alexander." He squinted at me and I tried to collect myself from the web of my thoughts before I made a mess of myself.

"I didn't think it was possible for us to spend more time together," I say, still internally drooling over his looks, but remaining cool and collective on the outside. "Not that I mind though. We'll have a lot of work to do if we're ever against Jefferson." I snarled the last part, causing John to smirk and chuckle lightly.

John's POV:

"What are you saying about me, Hamilton?" We hear a familiar voice say. Alex rolls his eyes as we turn our heads behind us to see none other than Thomas Jefferson himself sitting behind me, next to James Madison, who currently has dark circles and has the bottom half of his face buried in a loose turtle-neck. Must be ill.

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