chapter 7

932 26 132

September 12th 2016


Alex's POV:

Shit. Today is the first day of classes.
Spending this last week with John has been amazing, since we haven't had anything to do to before classes started. We'd spent a lot of our time together, and even managed to finish the whole first season of 'Breaking Bad', and start the next one.

Also, I met the Schuyler sisters: Angelica, Eliza and Peggy, and I got the chance to meet Tobillo. I honestly think that John prefers that turtle over any of his friends, the love he has for that thing is mad.

Our main spot for hanging out together is between our beds, we've even gone as far as putting a box there to store comfy blankets and pillows there for our late night Netflix binge sessions.
A few times in this week we've fallen asleep there, slumped against each other and woken up there the next morning. I'll admit, I don't mind the crick in my neck the following morning since I get to see John asleep on my lap. I don't wake him up, I rather just sit there patiently, watching him softly sleep until his hazel eyes opened and I see him smile.

God, when he smiles, I fall apart. I've definitely fallen for this boy, and I'm not planning on getting up.

When he wakes up either against me, in my lap or on the floor nearby, he'll catch me glancing over at him, blush and cover his redness with a blanket. He leaves me feeling helpless, but it's too early in our friendship to tell him any of my feelings.

I glance up at the time. 6:43. My first class is at 7:15, and I know that John has the same one, so I should probably wake him up soon. My eyes wander over to John as I rise from my bed to wake him up and I see how peaceful he looks and my heart melts knowing that I'd have to wake him.

I wish I could take a photo of him like this, but knowing my luck, he'd probably wake up as I was about to take it, or the flash would come on, or the shutter noise would sound really loudly.

Fuck it.

I quietly pace back over to my bed and unplug my phone from the charger. I check the switch on the side to make sure it's on silent, I turn down my volume and I turn off the flash. You can never be too safe.
My heart beats slightly faster in my chest as I snap a picture with shaky hands, look at it quickly, sigh with contentment and proceed to chuck my phone back onto my bed. When I turn back to John, I put on a neutral face and start to shake him awake.
"Morning John, you need to get up. Our first class is in like, 30 minutes."
The only response I get from him is a small grunt, letting me know he's acknowledged what I've said. Good enough. I turn to the kitchen to make John and I some breakfast for when he wakes up, when he grabs my wrist.
"Morning Lex." He says, his eyes still half shut and his messy hair half loose from the band tied around it.
I can't help but chuckle for a second, but still turn back to the kitchen, hoping it will disguise my blush from when he called me Lex, which he never usually does.
The place where he grabbed my wrist is warm from his touch and sent shivers up my spine. Also, his morning voice is nothing short of perfect; it's deeper than usual, with a hint of tiredness for the first few sentences he speaks, and his southern accent is more prominent. All of this combined makes my heart flutter, because, dang. I've fallen for him. Hard.

John's POV:

I awoke to Alex's small, gentle hands shaking me awake and his delicate voice saying "Morning John, you need to get up. Our first class is in like, 30 minutes."

Great. Classes start today. I was hoping that life could go on just as it had been in this last week, with Alex and I constantly together. We'd go everywhere together, I took him to meet the Schuyler sisters (and Tobillo) and we'd gone to the cinema with Herc and Laf, we facetimed his friend, Aaron, we even went to the store together (which we were promptly kicked out of for messing it up.) Everyday in this past week, my desire for him has been growing stronger. I can't help my feelings sometimes, he's made me forget how to just be fine and cool and chill.
Alex has an effect on me that I can't explain. He makes my heart beat faster and gives me a bubbling feeling inside my body. His smile could light up the world if the sun died out. His voice is smooth and never wavers, he speaks with a confidence that anyone else could only wish to have.

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