chapter 11

663 23 41

September 23rd 2016 (skipping to Friday)

Alex's POV:

"Hey John?" I mutter as I hold a hair grip between my teeth.
"Yeah?" I look over to see he has a hair band in his mouth and I let out a sigh. I take the grip out of my teeth and pin back the loose hairs from my ponytail.
"Do you think we've been too distant from the others? We've spent a lot of time with just us, not that I didn't like it, I just think we should do something tonight for all of us."
He nods in agreement and turns to me whilst tying his curly hair into a loose bun.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's have a pizza night, play games, truth or dare, or something like that."
"But first," He pauses to grab my bag and hands it to me "classes."
I laugh a bit and follow him out the door as we head to our first classes.

---After classes---

Since Alex has an extra major, his classes are in the morning and afternoon, but mine finish at lunch (A/N- sorry if I'm wrong!) so whilst he was still in his History class, I was getting our dorm ready. I pushed our beds to the edge of the room and moved the desks too. I laid out a huge blanket and put some bags of chips in the middle and reminded myself to get the soda from the fridge when everyone arrives. Alex and I had briefly met with the others at lunchtime to invite them over and they all can come, which is good. Honestly, I'm pretty excited to see everyone together like usual. We haven't hung out much since the year started so today should be fun.

---1 hour later---

Since I finished getting ready for everyone pretty early and it didn't take too long, I started on a new piece for art. I've decided to do an oil painting of Alex based on a photo from when he had his hair in a half ponytail, which is my favourite hairstyle for him. There's a slight blush on his cheeks and the scenery from the park behind him is really nice too.

Just as I finished the initial sketching before I started using paints, I heard a key being twisted in our door and my face immediately lit up with a smile. The door swung open to reveal Alex holding two slushes from 7-Eleven. When he saw me, my smile was mirrored onto his face as he handed me my drink, which I took from his hand as I softly placed a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you" I chirped as I walked away back towards my work.

Alex quickly followed me over to the canvas
"What're you working on?"
I smiled as I told him
"An oil painting of you."
"Really! Woah cool, let me see!"
"Well I haven't started painting yet." I set my slush down on a table and pulled him so he was in front of me and placed my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him so they were tight around his waist.
"It's already great," he turned to face me "you're great."
He put his slush on the table next to mine and his arms around the back of my neck and pulled me closer for a kiss, which I gladly accept. I move my arms up his torso and to the front of his body so that they're resting on his chest and I feel him move one of his hands into my hair, tangling itself underneath my messy bun. Alex presses tongue against my bottom lip, asking for an entrance which I was about to allow when we heard a bang on the door to our dorm. We both let out groans of annoyance as we walk over to answer, and when we open the door we see Laf and Herc, both wearing very smug expressions.
"Hey losers." Laf says to us. We both just give him pissed off looks, not that he knows why.
"Why do you look so mad? Did we interrupt something?" Herc says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Alex and I exchange worried glances.
"No." We say in unison. "Why would you think that?" I add.
"No reason." Laf says, dragging out his words. He fiddled with the peephole on our door and suddenly I feel my heart drop to my stomach.
"Oh shit. Did yo-"
"Yup." Laf says, displaying his huge grin.

Before I have time to react in any way, a third party arrives at the door. A very confused looking pizza delivery man. He looks like he's about to knock on the open door, but instead I just shove Herc out of the way and pay the guy and quickly thank him as I take the pizzas (by the way I don't know if you can have stuff delivered to dorm rooms, probably not, but let's go with it okay?)

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