chapter 4

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I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of knocks coming from the front door. John got up from the sofa to answer, he had a huge grin on his face as he invited in two men, one of which he hugged, who I guess is Lafayette. He was very tall, to me at least, since I'm pretty short, and he had really nice hair.
I looked over to the other guy, who stood there awkwardly whilst John and Lafayette were talking. I walked over to him and held out my hand to greet him:
"Hi, its good to meet you, my names Alexander Hamilton, but you can just call me Alex, if you want." I said, warmly grinning.
"Good to meet you too," He replied, with a very low voice, "my name's Hercules, Hercules Mulligan." He grinned back at me and shook my hand in return, but I made sure to let go quickly.
"So, Laf, this is my roommate, Alexander Hamilton." John said to Laf, making me blush a bit.
"Bonjour, mon ami, nice to meet you Alex!"
"Salut, Lafayette! C'est très sympa de vous rencontrer aussi!"
He smiled back at me and seemed very impressed and appreciative that I spoke French. He looked over to John:
"John, this is my roommate, Hercules Mulligan." Said Lafayette
"Nice to meet you Hercules." John said, waving and flashing him a smile that made me weak at the knees.
"Please, call me Herc" He responded, returning the smile.

We chatted a bit more over the course of the night, talking about what subjects we were taking, our old high schools and we eventually ended up talking about John and Laf's history and how they met. They've been friends since the 6th grade, when Lafayette moved to South Carolina and was a lot of the same classes as him.
None of us noticed that we had been chatting for nearly 4 hours until we all started yawning. John and I sleepily walked Laf and Herc to the door and said goodnight. I checked the time on my watch, "1:32am." I said to myself, chuckling about how time had flown by. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and saw John already standing there, only wearing pajama bottoms, squeezing his toothpaste out from the tube. I felt heat rush to my cheeks "Oh, sorry John, I'll come back to brush my teeth in a minute when you're done." I said awkwardly, starting to walk out.
"Don't be ridiculous Alex, come here, I wont bite." He said to me, finding it funny that I was blushing. I walked over and started brushing my teeth.


"Don't be ridiculous Alex, come here, I wont bite."
God, why did I say that? That came out way too flirtatious, I only just met the guy, I've probably scared him away already. I shake my head at myself and start brushing my teeth, slowly sinking to the floor in embarrassment.
As he walks up next to me, I can practically feel the heat radiating off of his cheeks, indicating his blush. At this, I can't help but chuckle at our mutual embarrassment from what I did. I just hope he didn't think I was already trying to flirt with him.
When I'm finished brushing my teeth, I go over to my bed and lie flat on my back and stare at the ceiling. All that is on my mind right now is Alex, and I don't think he'll be leaving it anytime soon. I thought about yesterday evening when I first walked into the room and him being the first thing I saw. I felt my heart drop to my ankles and tried to suppress the flush of red coming to my cheeks.
Normally, I was the type to dismiss the idea of 'love at first sight', but with this kid? Damn.
I've never seen anyone like him before; he had intelligent eyes and a hunger pang frame. I almost forgot my name as he introduced himself, I could feel myself being drawn into his deep eyes, which were slightly covered by his silky black hair as it had fallen slightly loose from the elastic pulling it back. He flicked his hair out of his face, revealing his eyes more to me. I firmly gripped his hand that he was holding out to me and shot him a quick smile before replying,
"John Laurens, great to meet you too."
Back to reality, Alex walks in and nervously flashes a smile of his pearly white teeth and walks to his bed. I watch as he takes off his shirt and feel my heart start to flutter, but I quickly look away again as he turns towards me and climbs into his bed, pulling the covers up to his chin. I turn to face the wall and feel a deep blush rise my cheeks. Damn, he looked good without a shirt on. I wonder what he looked like without anyt-
"Goodnight John!' Alex chirped from the other side of the room. As if it was even possible, the blush on my cheeks grew even deeper as Alex's soft voice pulled my mind out from the places it shouldn't be going.
"Night, Alex." I mumbled in response as I fell into the warmth from my bed, holding onto a pillow as if it was a person. I happily sighed to myself as I drifted into my sleep

22nd June 2017

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