chapter 21

445 19 46

17th December 2016
(Time skip to the day I've designated as their first day of the holidays)

John's POV:

"Alex, no. We're not going to the coffee shop." I had to argue against his points, and being the undefeated champion in debate club (much to Thomas' dismay), it was pretty tough to beat him.

"John, it would be the perfect payback for firing us." He responded easily. To be fair, he has a good point.

"No Alex, I'm pretty sure that we're banned from going in there."

"Ugh, it's not like we were hurting anyone. All we did was have sex in the bathrooms." He sulked, folding his arms and sinking back into his desk chair.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, shockingly companies don't generally like that. Especially when you're employees and you're late back from your lunch break."

"Well now that we aren't employees-"

"No." I cut him off.

He frowned "Well where are we going to get our coffee now?"

"C'mon Lex, there's literally a Starbucks across the road from campus."

He smiled up as me as I took his hand in mine. "You're lucky that I love you. I wouldn't go out in that fucking temperature for just anyone." I pulled him up from his seat and into a hug.

"Wow, it isn't even that cold, it's like, thirty-seven degrees outside." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but John baby, I'm from Nevis, you know, a Caribbean island? The lowest temperature it would get to there is like, seventy. I'm going to put a coat on, then we can go." He crossed the room and opened the closet. Apparently when he said he was putting a coat on, he also meant that he was putting on 2 hoodies, both of which were mine, a scarf and a woolly hat. Meanwhile, I settled for my usual jacket and decided that would be enough.

As soon as we walked outside, Alex's teeth started chattering.

"Sh-shit John, how do you guys d-deal with this weather?" He grabbed onto my hand, desperately seeking warmth.

"Alex this is nice weather considering it's December." I groaned, shoving my other hand into my pocket.

Third Person POV:

They walked down the path that led to the main gate of campus, with Alex complaining the whole way and John reassuring him by saying that they'd be there soon. Eventually, they came to the gate, from where you could see the sign for Starbucks.

"John look! There it is! Hurry up, I'm freezing my balls off." Alex shouted, apparently a little too loudly, since he earned a few strange looks from people passing by. He dragged John down the cold street and into the heat of the coffee shop. "Finally... warmth." He muttered as they walked in and up to the counter. John just rolled his eyes as he was pulled across the room.

"Here," John nonchalantly pulled a ten dollar bill from his wallet and handed it to Alex. "get me a hot chocolate, I'll go get a table for us." Alex nodded in response and kissed his cheek.

Alex's POV:

"Hi, can I get a large black coffee, extra hot please, and a hot chocolate?" I asked the cashier.

"Sure, can I get some names for them?" She responded, smiling sweetly.

"Yeah, the hot chocolate is for John and the coffee is for Alex."

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