chapter 9

772 26 50

September 20th 2016

John's POV:

I woke up this morning to see Alex curled up in my arms; The memories from yesterday came back to me.

Thomas beating him up.
Me sitting beside him, talking to him.
Him waking up and kissing me. Damn, that kiss was electric.

I've only known Alex for a short time but I feel like I could say anything to him. It feels like we've known each other for years, I trust him just as much as I trust Laf.

The sun seeped through the window and onto his face, lighting up his bruises and cuts that he had obtained yesterday. His cuts had started to heal and they probably won't leave huge scars, his lip seemed the most healed. But still, I felt guilty that I became useless during that situation. I wish I could have stood up to Thomas, taken the punches and hits for Alex.

I gently stroke his soft cheek, curling my index finger under his chin. I made soft circles onto his cheek and kissed his forehead. Alex woke up after a minute of me doing this and looked up at me with those warm, brown eyes. I saw him remembering what happened yesterday afternoon and evening, since we watched films in his bed until we both fell asleep. He gently clasped the hand I was using to stroke his cheek and kissed the back of it.

This moment was amazing, we stayed in it for about 30 minutes, until my alarm went off, signalling that we should leave for class soon. Well, I should. Washington emailed Alex last night saying that he is not to come to classes and that he should spend the day relaxing. Alex was about to resist until I told him I'd give him the notes, and he really likes my handwriting so he grumpily agreed.

"Man, I don't want to go to class today." I said to him.
"John, you have to go. If you don't, two of us will be behind."
I could tell by the way he said it that he didn't want me to go either.
"No. I'm going to email Washington, ask him to tell the other teachers to send the work over. I want to make sure you're safe, and I also just want to stay with you."
I made sure to give him another kiss on his forehead to sweeten the deal, and by the blush on his cheeks, I'm guessing it worked.
"Okay, but you owe me... 5 kisses." He said smugly.
"You didn't need to ask for that, its only customary." I replied with a wink.

I leaned down slightly so that our heads were level and put my hand behind his head, pulled out his hair elastic and ran my nails through his hair. His breath hitched slightly and we both blushed. For a moment, we stayed looking in each others eyes, and then it was my turn for my breath to stifle in shock, as he grabbed me by the collar of my t-shirt and pulled our faces together. Our lips collided in a messy, tired and unorganised way, but we quickly found a rhythm and were lying together with a strong lust for each other. Our kiss seemed like it was filled with nothing but pure love for each other, which seems crazy to say since we only admitted our feelings for each other less than a day ago, but no other word describes the feeling as good as the word love.

The kiss was cut short by a knock to the door. We abruptly parted our lips and unwillingly untangled ourselves from each other. I stood up and straightened out my clothing and hair as Alex ran a hand through his. I walked over to the door and pulled it open, revealing a slightly tired looking Laf and Hercules, who looked like he was hiding something. Whatever.

"Hey Laf, Herc, you alright?"
"Oui, John. We came to check le petit lion is alright, you know, after the fight." Laf replied.
"Yeah, and also we came to ask if you're coming to class, but you're probably staying here with Alex, right?" Hercules added.
"Yeah I was going to, I need to make sure he's resting and that he doesn't overwork himself. He needs to stay safe, you know?"
"Sure, we get it. Get well soon Alex, mon ami."
"Thanks Laf, I'll see you two in class tomorrow."
"Bye." Said both Herc and Laf in unison.

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