chapter 20

406 20 23

1st November 2016

Alex's POV:

Tears prickled in the corners of my eyes as I raced towards the art department. They were a congealed mess of anger, sadness and disbelief; Could I possibly be about to come face to face with a man I've hoped to be alive for almost ten years? Or could this be another lost cause, just like any James Hamilton I've tracked down.

How could this possibly be the solution to the problem that has plagued me for half of my life? How can the answer to my fathers whereabouts be as simple as the art department in the very college that I go to?

Rain poured down outside and was completely soaking me, since I hadn't grabbed a jacket in my rush to leave, but I found myself not caring. It's not a long journey anyway, especially when you're running.

I found myself standing at the main entrance, suddenly feeling nervous. What if I don't get the outcome that I long so much to get? I guess there's only one way to find out.

Walking along the corridor to the office, I could hear my heart thumping in my chest, and when I actually arrived at the door it became incomprehensible.

I took a deep breath.

Feebly, I knocked. The door creaked open to reveal a middle-aged man with a bright smile and kind eyes. I inhaled sharply but subtly, immediately recognising him. This is my father. I masked my shock as best as I could and smiled back somewhat convincingly.

"Hello, can I help you?" He smiled warmly.

"Yeah, Mr Hamilton, right?" I asked, mainly confirming it to myself. He nodded, signalling for me to continue. "I just have a question for you."

"Of course, go ahead." He leaned against the doorframe casually.

I cleared my throat and looked at him straight in his eyes. "Where did you go on my tenth birthday?"

He retains our eye contact as the realisation of who I am floods over him. His face turns red as tears start streaming from his eyes.

"...Alex?" He manages to get out, barely above a whisper. I try to remain strong and keep myself from crying too by biting my bottom lip, but it doesn't work. As I let them fall, I solemnly nod my head.

Simultaneously, we both pull each other in for a well needed hug, neither of us caring about the fact that my entire body was sodden from the rain. We stand there for a moment, clasping each other as close as possible and drenching one another's shoulder with our tears.

I pull away from the hug and smile up at him, my eyes puffy and red. "Dad." My voice cracks as if I haven't used it for years.

"Son." He pulls me close for another hug. "I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I left, money was tight, we were debt-ridden. I thought you would all be better off without me."

"Well... it's just me now, mom and James died in a hurricane that hit when I was 13." I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. He squeezed me tighter for a moment before releasing me yet again.

"Alexander, I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you. I've always hoped you'd come back to me... how did you know I was here anyway?"

"My friend, well boyfriend, John is in your art class and he told me that you're his new teacher. So of course, I immediately came down here."

"Oh, yes. John... Laurens?" He asked, to which I nodded. "Oh, he's an amazing artist. Actually, he was drawing you earlier, it was incredible. I was looking at some of his work before you came down here, it's amazing." He replied with a grin that warmed my heart.

"I know, he's amazing." I beamed, running a hand through my wet hair.

My dad patted my shoulder. "You chose a good one, son." He winked.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see John calling me. "Actually this is him calling me now." I muttered.

"Go on Alex, answer it, but can we please catch up soon? I've honestly missed you." He said.

"Of course, see you later Dad. I missed you too, bye." I replied, swiping to answer John's call.

"Hey Lex, are you okay? What happened? Where did you go?"

"Relax Peaches, relax. I'm fine, I was just talking to my dad." I reassured him.

"What?! Come back here immediately!" He said, excitement laced into his tone.

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute, I love you."

"Love you too." He said before hanging up.

- - -

"SPILL." John shouted as soon as I walked through the door.

I chuckled. " I talked to him, we cried a little, he's my dad. There's not much more to it to be honest."

John shook his head. "For a man who usually has so many words, how is that all you can muster after seeing your father for the first time in almost ten years?"

"Like I said, there isn't much more to it. Apart from the fact that he said that he loves your art." I giggled, causing him to blush.

"Really? Nice." He chuckled. "I like my art too because it's mainly you, which means it's all pretty hot."

"You're cute. I love you. Thanks for putting up with all of my shit." I jumped on top of him and pressed a kiss onto his forehead.

"Aw Alex, you're worth the shit. But you're also soaking wet so get off of me." He flicked my wet hair away from his face.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I clambered off of him and grabbed some dry clothes to change in to.

"And before I forget, I love you too." He called after me as I headed to the bathroom to change. "I'm gonna make some lunch, so hurry up, you don't want to miss class."

Before I could even think about it a response made it's way out of my mouth. "Actually, I'd rather spend this time with you, my moods too good to waste it on some shitty class. I'm ahead of the work anyways."

"Wow, Alexander Hamilton is skipping class? This'll go down in the history books!" He exclaimed, coming over and kissing my cheek.

"Alright, alright. Now let me get changed and then we can cuddle all afternoon and watch movies."

"Sounds good to me." He shrugged, pushing me into the bathroom with a chuckle.

2nd October 2017

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