chapter 13

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Chapter 13 guys you know I'm gonna do some sad shit for the unlucky number ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

25th September 2016

Johns POV:

A howl of laughter erupts from the small figure beside me as I cradle my ear.

"What the fuck Alex, why'd you jab my ear?"
"God your morning voice is hot." He drools over me for a moment before explaining.
"Well, you see Johnny, I wanted to wake you up, but saying your name isn't enough since you're a pretty heavy sleeper. So I stuck my finger in your ear."
"That... well, it didn't really hurt. It just made me uncomfortable. So thanks I guess."
"What can I say except you're welcome." He hummed, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Still not over that movie?"
He looked up at me, the corners of his wide eyes creased as he smiled.
Alex snuggled further into my side for a moment, enjoying my warmth, before separating to head into the bathroom to brush his teeth, which gave me a few more minutes of sleep.


3rd Person POV:

Alex poked his head out from the bathroom as he finished brushing his teeth to see John snuggled back up in the sheets of his bed, tightly holding a pillow in replacement for Alex. He let out a soft sigh from the cuteness that John was displaying, despite him even knowing it.

Alex spat out the foamy toothpaste and crept over to John's bed, clutching the ends of the sheets in his hands then proceeding to vigorously shake the covers in an attempt to wake him up. Alex wants coffee.

"John, get up, I want to get coffee and you know I need caffeine."

Instead of listening to his boyfriend, John pulled the pillow from under his head, shoved it on top and buried his face into the mattress.

"Oh, suck my dick Alexander."

Silence filled the room for a moment until John's head shot up after realising that he told his boyfriend, who he'd only had for under a week, to give him a blowjob.

"Um, actually, don't. Let's just go get coffee."

Alex's gaze followed John as he walked into the bathroom face palming and muttering about how much of an idiot he is.

John came out of the bathroom a few minutes later fully dressed and ready to go. He grabbed his keys and unplugged his phone from it's charger, quickly pocketing it and jogging towards Alex, who was impatiently waiting by the open door. They linked hands and made their way down to the campus coffee shop.


They chose a nice table to sit at (a table in the back corner, nicely located near some fairy lights that would make for some cool Instagram pictures) and John gave Alex some money to pay for their drinks.

"A large black coffee for Alex and caramel frappe for John?" A voice that both John and Alex recognised as Lafayette called out. They both looked up to see him smiling and holding their drinks, which they accepted, thanking him.

"Yo, Laf, when'd you get a job here?" John asked, leaning his elbows on the counter and taking a long sip from his drink.

"I actually just started yesterday and I'm only working on weekends, but hey, it's better than nothing." Laf said, smirking.

"True, true. Man, I really need to get a job. Put a good word in for me, Laf." Alex said with a wink. He turned back around with a laugh and sauntered back to their table.

As he walked away, John watched him leave with a glimmer in his eyes. Lafayette noticed this and smiled.

"You love him, don't you."

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