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    Long ago, there was the greatest Dwarven kingdom of Erebor. It's wealth was in gold and gems. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds; all were glittering in trays to be examined by the professionals. Thror was the King, his line secure in the lives of his son, Thrain, and his grandson, Thorin.

    Unknown to many, Thorin once fell in love. It didn't last long, but it was enough for his love to have a baby girl. To protect her, Gandalf the Grey took her in the middle of the night, changing her name to Lauranna. He gave her to a nice Hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins. Thorin was completely unaware of his daughter, not knowing she was even alive, let alone where she was.

    It was a good thing that Gandalf had hidden her away, for soon, Smaug came to destroy the Mountain and take the treasure within. Smaug brought the city of Dale to its knees, turning it to ashes. The dragon went on to claim Erebor as his own, killing all in his way. The Elves of Greenwood merely watched the destruction, leading to the hateful relationship between the Elves and Dwarves.

    Far away in the Shire, Bilbo Baggins had found a baby girl on his door step. He took her in as his own, knowing he couldn't let a little, innocent life stay outside. A letter had been tucked into the blanket with the girl.

    'This is Lauranna. Take care of her for me. I will come back when the time is right for her to return home. It is a dangerous business to have her with me at this moment. She will be a very kind, caring, and lovable woman.' 

    Bilbo did indeed take came of her for the next years. He wondered who her real parents were but never bothered to tell her that she was not his own. He knew it would break her heart, and he didn't want to hurt her. Therefore, Lauranna lived her nice quiet life without a clue of who she really was. Until, when chance came, an old man in grey came to talk to her and her father.

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