Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

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She woke up to Bilbo packing up. She sat up and looked at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" she whispered.

"I'm going back to Rivendell," he answered.

Lauranna packed up in a few seconds, ready to go. She nodded at him as he started to pick his way through the Dwarves. As they reached the entrance to the cave, they forgot about Bofur, who had first watch.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"Back to Rivendell," Lauranna answered. "I'm not letting my father go alone."

"You can't turn back now. You're part of the Company," Bofur said.

"I'm not, though. Am I? Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking. Lauranna belongs more than I do. I should never have run out my door," Bilbo said.

"You're homesick. I understand," Bofur assured.

"No you don't. You don't know what it feels like. You're Dwarves! You're used to this life! To living on the road, not belonging anywhere!" Bilbo hissed.

For some reason, Lauranna was stung by his words. She knew she was a Dwarf, but she shouldn't be affected by his words. She had a home and a caring father. However, she didn't like that he had practically insulted her kin.

"I'm sorry. I--" Bilbo started to apologize.

"No, you're right," Bofur said, turning to look at his kin. "We don't belong anywhere. Lauranna, I will tell your fath-- I mean, I will tell Thorin why you left. Just remember you are a Durin by heart. A princess. Our princess."

"Thank you, Bofur," Lauranna muttered, hugging the Dwarf. "And Bilbo was just joking. I'm just as much as an outsider here as he is. In my opinion, at least."

"Fili and Kili don't seem to think so. They treat you as if you were their sister and have known you their whole lives. Why else would they give you their cloaks? I could tell they were freezing in that weather, but they gave up their only means of warmth for you. They love you like a sister. We all do. Thorin may try to hide it, but he cares about you both. He thinks that, because he's the leader, he has to be strong and showing emotion means being weak," Bofur explained.

Little did they know, Thorin, Fili, and Kili were awake, listening to the conversation. Fili and Kili shared a sad look, tears in their eyes. They looked at Thorin, who was watching them silently.

"I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do," Bofur said.

"Thanks," Lauranna said.

"What's that?" Bofur asked, a blue glow catching his eye.

Bilbo half drew his sword, seeing the glow. Lauranna instantly knew what that was and gasped.

"Wake up!" she shouted.

Everyone jerked upright just as the floor collapsed beneath them, and they fell into a stone slide. Lauranna didn't utter a sound as she fell, letting herself go limp to avoid breaking any bones. They all landed in a pile, groaning. As they looked around, they saw Goblins swarming towards them. Kili and Fili were on either side of Lauranna, like bodyguards. They grasped her hands in theirs tightly so they weren't separated. The Dwarves were pulled farther into the tunnels, Lauranna not putting up a struggle, knowing it was pointless. They were taken before a large Goblin, obviously the leader. As they approached, the Goblin started to sing.

"Down, down, down in Goblin Town!" he sang a verse.

"Down, down, down in Goblin Town!" the rest chorused.

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