Entering the Mountain

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    They reached the edge of the lake, seeing the bargeman waiting for them and the barrels. Moments later, the barrels floated into sight. Dwarves and Elves helped the man get the barrels onto the barge, much to the bargeman's appreciation.

"It is the will of King Thranduil that you allow these Dwarves to come with you," Legolas said, holding out a piece of parchment. "Should the Master of Laketown make any arguments, this should shut him up."

The man took the paper and ushered the Company onto the boat.

"Thank you both," Lauranna said to the Elves.

Legolas and Tauriel smiled at the girl as she slowly disappeared into the mist.

"I like her. She's a fighter," Tauriel observed.

"That she is. I like her too," Legolas stated.

The two of them walked off, but not before they realized that Orcs were hunting the group. Tauriel grew concerned for the Company and the girl that went with them.

Across the lake, Lauranna sat near the man while the Dwarves were bickering amongst each other.

"What's your name?" the girl asked.

"Bard," the man answered. "And you?"

"Lauranna. I grew up with Bilbo, the Hobbit. I didn't know I was a Dwarf until a wizard, Gandalf, showed up a few days prior to a meeting of Dwarves. Thorin Oakenshield is my father, making Fili and Kili my cousins. To say I was surprised would be an understatement."

"Oakenshield? As in the King Under the Mountain?"

"The only one. We're here to reclaim the Mountain from Smaug. And if we succeed, which I know we will, all will share in the wealth and riches of Erebor. Should Thorin fall to the sickness of gold, I will take charge of the Mountain and give everyone what they deserve."

Bard nodded his head thoughtfully. By now, Lauranna knew that she was never going to survive the war that was coming. She would give her life to protect her family. And one day, she would see them again. She would be there to save the line of Durin. To keep the bloodline running. She would accompany them to the top of Ravenhill. A plan was in her mind.

She would go with them to Ravenhill. Make sure that no one entered that tower. Draw out Azog and Bolg, when he arrived. Fight them until they died. Their devastating blows would kill her in the end, but she would live long enough to give them the carving she had been working on for the entire journey. She knew who was going to kill her, how she was going to die, when she was going to die, yet she was not bothered by the fact that her death was creeping ever closer with every passing minute.

"Anna?" Kili asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

Lauranna blinked and looked at him to see the others watching in concern. She smiled at them and stood up. She moved to the side of the boat and swung her legs over it. Her feet touched the water but didn't sink in. Instead, she walked on top of the water. She turned and looked at Bilbo.

"Father, come here," she called.

Bilbo trusted his daughter with his whole heart and stepped onto the water to walk over to her. When he didn't sink into the water, he smiled slightly. He walked all the way over to Lauranna and hugged her.

"Come on, you all," Lauranna said.

Kili was the first to step after them. He was unsteady at first, feeling the water move beneath his feet. He got used to it and moved swiftly to his cousin. Fili followed, with Thorin right behind him. One by one, the Company joined the girl on the water. She led the way fearlessly toward the Mountain, guiding them through the mist.

A wave came from nowhere and knocked them all off their feet, except for Lauranna. They started to sink into the water, letting fear overtake them. She brought them to their feet with a sad expression.

"Do you not trust me?" Lauranna asked.

They stared at her. She sighed and walked off, giving them no choice but to follow. They reached the edge of the lake easily and made their way up the side of the Mountain, reaching the door.

"Now we wait for the moon," Lauranna said.

"The moon?" Kili asked.

And so she explained. The last moon of autumn was the 'last light' in the hidden text of the map. The Dwarves knew better than to argue with her. So they sat and waited. When the time came, she took the key from Thorin and inserted it into the lock, turning it and pushing the door open. She wandered in and strode toward the treasure room.

"Where are you going?" Thorin asked.

"Getting the Arkenstone," she replied.

"It's too dangerous to go in there," he argued.

"You're either going to come with me or shut up and stay here," Lauranna snapped.

She disappeared around a corner and was followed by Bilbo. She stopped him and sent him back. This was something she had to do herself.

She planned to befriend Smaug and get his help in the war. She only hoped it would work.

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