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    The ponies burst into the Dwarf camp, earning relieved smiles from the beings there. They were watching the trees, waiting for Lauranna to come out. When she didn't, Kili picked up his sword.

    "Kili, where are you going?" Bilbo asked.

    "If she's not back yet, she must've gotten caught. I'm going after her," he answered.

    That was when they heard a scream. This spurred everyone into action, snatching weapons and racing through the trees. They arrived in time to see Lauranna go limp in the hand of one of three Trolls. The Trolls turned to the Dwarves, dropping Lauranna onto the ground to get them. A loud crack filled the air, coming from Lauranna.

    "You hurt my cousin!" Kili shouted in anger.

    He was the first one to move, darting forward and attacked the Trolls. The others were snapped out of their small trance and joined him. After about five minutes of hard fighting, Bilbo had been caught and was being held between two Trolls.

    "Lay down your arms, or we'll rip his off," the Troll not holding Bilbo threatened.

    Reluctantly, the Dwarves threw down their weapons, eyes going to Lauranna. She was laying on a log, out of the way. She stirred, her head turning to face the Dwarves. Her eyes, however, remained shut. A few of her bones were sticking out in odd directions and looked very painful. Her eyes suddenly shot open, looking around. She started to sit up but stopped with the horrible pain. She bit her lip to keep herself from screaming. She saw her friends and family in sacks or on the spit over the fire and groaned.

    "The girl's awake," one of the Trolls said.

    "Can we eat her first? As the appetizer?" another one asked.

    "Sure," the first one said.

    "No!" Thorin shouted.

    All activity in the camp stopped. All eyes turned to Thorin. He was panicking, terrified by even the thought of his daughter getting eaten by Trolls. He was looking between the Trolls and his daughter.

    "You want to take her place, Dwarf? You willing to die for her?" one of the Trolls asked.

    Before he could answer, he was cut off by another voice.

    "No, he isn't. He was merely surprised. If you feel like it, go ahead and eat me. Just make sure I don't feel any pain, please," Lauranna answered.

    Thorin was frantic by now, and his breathing sped up as he watched one of the Trolls grab her. She was dragged into the air, pain shooting up her body. As soon as she was positioned over the Troll's mouth, she took a hidden dagger and dropped it into his mouth, point down. It slammed into the back of his throat and caused blood to pour into his windpipe. He choked on his own blood, dropping the girl on the ground. This time, Lauranna couldn't hold back the scream of pain. The other two Trolls came at her, causing her to force herself to her feet. She stumbled back and managed to get a sword from a pile on the ground. She swung it around, and it connected to one of the Troll's faces. She stabbed his eyes out and killed him. The last Troll managed to grab her and threw her into a large rock. The sword clattered out of her hand, and she lay limply on the ground, motionless.

    "No!" Thorin cried out, his heart aching for his daughter.

    The Troll was about to stomp on her and crush her when Gandalf came out of practically nowhere.

    "The dawn will take you!" he shouted, splitting the rock and letting the sunlight stream into the camp.

    The remaining Troll turned to stone. Gandalf released Thorin first. The second he was free, he bolted over to his daughter, falling to his knees.

    "Lauranna. Lauranna, please. Wake up. You can't just leave like this. Stay here with me and the others. Please come back," he pleaded quietly.

    Gandalf pushed him aside and knelt next to the girl. Thorin was angry and tried to get back to her side but was restrained by most of the Company. Kili and Fili were being restrained as well. Bilbo knew better than to interrupt whatever the Wizard was doing. A few cracks could be heard, which signaled that her bones were being put back in their rightful place. A scream ripped from her lips even though she was unconscious. Thorin doubled his attempts to get to her. Tears were gathering in his eyes at seeing his daughter in pain like this. Gandalf backed up and stepped aside, allowing Thorin to run over. Kili and Fili were right behind him as they knelt down by her. All the others crowded around, worried. Bilbo was kneeling by her head, unsure as to what to do.

    "What happened to her?" Gandalf asked.

    "She went to free the ponies, telling us to come after her in she didn't come back after five minutes. When the ponies came back, we expected her to be there as well. When she didn't come back, we went after her. She was dropped on the ground, breaking a few of her bones. When she woke up, she tricked the Trolls into letting them eat her first as an appetizer. When she was over one of their mouths, she dropped a dagger in. He choked on his own blood. She continued fighting, taking down a second Troll before the third grabbed her and threw her into the rock," Ori said.

    "She broke at least five bones. She won't be able to walk on her own. She will be fine in a day or so. Someone will have to carry her, though," Gandalf told them.    

    "I'll carry her," Thorin volunteered. "She's my daughter, therefore she is my responsibility. I will carry her."

    Bilbo frowned but nodded. Thorin caught his expression and motioned for him to come over.

    "I hope you won't hurt her," Bilbo muttered.

    "I wouldn't dream of it. I know you looked after her for years, and she considers you her father. I understand that. I trust that you will know that, as her blood-relative, I will not let any harm come to her," Thorin replied.

    Bilbo nodded. Thorin gently lifted Lauranna's limp form off the ground and carried her after the Company. They had found the Troll hoard and were taking or hiding things. Gandalf had found two swords, one for him and the other for Thorin. Thorin allowed Gandalf to attach the sword to his belt, refusing to let Lauranna go for even a second. Outside, Thorin sat down, watching his daughter.

    "You'll be okay," he whispered.

    He was mostly trying to reassure himself. Lauranna's eyes fluttered open, and she gazed up at Thorin. She was trying to understand what was going on and tried to sit up. Thorin quickly pulled her down again.

    "No, don't move. You can't walk for a day or two. Gandalf's orders," he explained.

    "Since when do you listen to that Wizard?" Lauranna asked.

    "Since you got hurt. I'm going to be carrying you for a while. And no arguing," he added.

    Lauranna nodded, knowing that Thorin wasn't going to change his mind. The others came out at that moment and saw that the girl was awake. They came over and asked her thousands of questions about if she was okay.

    "I'm fine. Or I will be," she answered.

    Kili came over and held out a new dagger to replace the one she had thrown down the Troll's throat. She smiled and took it. She slipped it into her belt before looking around her.

    "Something's coming!" Dwalin yelled.

    The trees and undergrowth was being pushed aside by something that was approaching fast. The Company made a protective circle around Thorin and Lauranna. What came out of the forest was something that no one had expected.

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