Meeting Smaug

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    Lauranna strode into the treasure room and took a deep breath. She searched the air in the room to find a large heat signature nearby. She started up the mound of gold, not bothering to keep quiet. She wanted the dragon awake, after all. She found Smaug's head and scooped gold off to reveal his eye. And it opened.

    "Hello, Smaug," Lauranna said politely.

    The dragon lifted its head out of the sea of gold and regarded the girl with a cool gaze.

    "What brings you here, Dwarf?" Smaug asked.

    "I wish to be your friend. I am afraid that an army of Orcs marches on teh Mountain to steal its gold. I wish to help you defend the Mountain. If you agree to help me and get rid of the Orcs, I will give you the guarantee of life. Please, Smaug. Help us," Lauranna pleaded.

    The dragon tilted its head and lowered it to look at the girl before him. While he could just kill her now and get it over with, he felt that he should help her. He was not entirely cold-blooded. This Dwarf reminded him of his sister, the sister he loved.

    "For my sister, I will help you. You remind me of her," Smaug said.

    Lauranna smiled slightly. She bowed to the dragon and was about to speak when parts of the ceiling started to fall. An earthquake.

    Smaug leaned over the girl and shielded her with his wings. The rocks bounced off of his wings and caused no damage to the girl.

    Lauranna was crouching against the gold, when her hand brushed a large white jewel. The Arkenstone. She pocketed it and waited for the rocks to stop. When. They did, she stood up and smiled.

    "On my back," Smaug said.

    He held one wing down and let her climb up onto his neck. She held one of his spikes and smiled as he took off. He burst out of the Mountain and circled it, looking for the army. Instead, he spotted the Dwarves near the door.

    He landed and raised his head up to look at the terrified Dwarves. Lauranna moved to stand on Smaug's head, smiling and waving at them. She was about to say that everything was fine when an arrow took her shoulder and made her topple off of Smaug's head. The dragon quickly ducked his head to catch the girl and set her on the rocks next to the Dwarves. Enraged, he turned and attacked the Orc who had shot her. He turned back and let his flames heal her. He allowed her to climb back onto him and flew off toward Gundabad. When he saw the army waiting to attack, he blew out a stream of fire, incinerating most of the army quickly. But Bolg had another thing in mind.

    An arrow leapt from the bow and slammed into Smaug's one weakness. Lauranna used her powers to fly up and glared at Bolg angrily. Smaug's body had taken out the last of the army except Bolg. Lauranna flew off toward the Mountain, sad and proud at once.

    When she landed alone, the Dwarves surrounded her and asked her what was wrong. She shook her head and ignored them all. When asked if she had found the Arkenstone, she denied it.

    Thorin seemed content with the answer and ordered everyone inside the Mountain. The door closed behind them all, leaving them in darkness. But Lauranna lit it up with fire from her hands.

    "This way," she said quietly.

    She led them through the entire Mountain until they reached the throne of Erebor with its cracked stone. Lauranna knew she would drain her energy quickly but she thought nothing of it. She rebuilt Erebor.

    The stone was fixed, railings strengthened, bodies vanished, braziers lit, tapestries re-sewn, etc. Everything was restored to its former glory. The wasteland outside was repaired and birds could be heard chirping happily. It was as though nothing had ever happened to the Mountain.

    Kili launched himself forward in time to catch his cousin. Fili moved to her other side and helped her stand up.

    "Get her to a room. She's done too much already," Thorin said, concern dripping from his voice.

    Balin led the way through Erebor, the brothers supporting their cousin. Kili's hand brushed her pocket as they lay her down in a bed. When Balin left, Kili pulled out the Arkenstone.

    "You did find it," he breathed.

    "Don't give it to Thorin. He is already taken by dragon sickness. Give him this, and you will never be able to get Thorin Oakenshield back. Don't tell him I have this. Keep this hidden. If you don't, you will regret it dearly," Lauranna told them.

    Fili and Kili exchanged a worried glance. Never get him back? That didn't sound too good. Kili slipped it back into the pocket he found it in, promising not to tell a word of this to Thorin. Lauranna nodded and slipped off into sleep.

    The brothers looked at each other, not sure what to do. But they knew one thing. They would never tell Thorin who had the Arkenstone.

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