Food Fights

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    Thorin watched as his daughter lay at the feet of the Hobbit. She looked up before her eyes shut, and her body went limp. Kili started to panic, thinking the worst. Oin walked forward and informed the others that she was merely unconscious. Kili breathed a sigh of relief as Fili rubbed his back in a comforting manner.

    "I told her not to move," Thorin muttered with a shake of his head.

    "She's stubborn. She doesn't give up easily. I know that from trying to help her when she was younger. She would never let me, insisting that the only way she would learn is if she did it herself," Bilbo told him, smiling fondly as he remembered her stubbornness when he tried to help her strap on her weapons.

    Thorin sighed and looked at her. He bent down to pick her up, but someone beat him to it. Looking up, Thorin's blue eyes connected with Kili's brown ones. Thorin backed up and let his youngest nephew hold his daughter carefully in his arms.

    "I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin asked.

    "Follow it, of course!" Bofur exclaimed.

    "I think that would be wise," Gandalf murmured.

    Kili and Fili were at the back of the group with Thorin, Bilbo, and Gandalf. As they walked through the narrow crevice, their section of the Company didn't speak. The ones up ahead were chattering away, some grumbling about the passage being too small, others saying they were hungry, and some telling the others to shut up.

    "Is Lauranna going to be okay?" Bilbo asked quietly.

    "Of course she will," Gandalf said confidently.

    They reached a small rock ledge and saw a beautiful city stretched below them. The Dwarves stopped and looked at it. Thorin turned to Gandalf in anger.

    "This was your plan all along? To seek refuge with our enemies?" he spat.

    "You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found here is that which you bring yourself," Gandalf snapped back.

    "Are we going to stand here bickering about Elves or get Lauranna help?" Kili interrupted rudely.

    Both Thorin and Gandalf turn to look at Kili, who was still holding the girl in his arms. Fili and Bilbo flanked him, waiting for Thorin's decision. The others were silent, watching the scene. Thorin took a deep breath and nodded.

    "Let's go. And Gandalf, if these Elves hurt her one bit, I will kill you," Thorin warned.

    "Understood," the Wizard said easily. "You will leave the talking to me."

    They entered the city, the Dwarves wary, Bilbo in awe, and Gandalf with the ease of someone who visited every day.

    "Ah, Mithrandir," a male Elf said, descending the steps.

    "Lindir," Gandalf greeted.

    After a small exchange of words in Elvish, Lindir changed to the Common Tongue.

    "My Lord Elrond is not here," he said.

    "Not here? Where is he?" Gandalf queried.

    A hunting horn answered him instead of Lindir. Gandalf nodded in understanding and turned around to see a group of horses riding across the bridge. The Dwarves instantly made a protective circle around Bilbo, Kili, and Lauranna, who was still unconscious. The horses circled the Dwarves before the Elves dismounted. One of them remained behind, talking to Gandalf.

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