The King of The Woodland Realm

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    "My father would like to see you," Legolas said as he held open the door to a large room.

"She's not going anywhere," Thorin growled lowly. "My daughter is staying here."

"Her last name is Baggins," Legolas said.

"I grew up with Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit from the Shire. My real father is Thorin Oakenshield. I didn't figure it out until they came to pick me up after all these years," Lauranna lied smoothly.

Legolas frowned again but said nothing more. He grabbed her arm lightly and tugged her out of the room. He took her before the king on his throne, who looked up as they entered.

"Who might you be?" Thranduil asked, coming down from his throne.

Lauranna tilted her head, studying him quickly. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted one of the Elves from earlier, a female.

"I am Lauranna Baggins, growing up with Bilbo Baggins of the Shire. My real father is Thorin Oakenshield, but I didn't find out until they came to pick me up to go visit our relatives in the Iron Hills," she said.

"Where did you get your weapons?"

"Lady Arwen of Rivendell. She's a very nice woman, one of the nicest that I've met."

"You are very polite for a Dwarf."

"Thank you."

Thranduil was internally frowning. He had noticed that this girl was not intimidated by him in the slightest, like everyone else who came before him. He glanced over her weapons, noticing the scars on her skin from her fights.

"Your scars," he started, hoping for a reaction only to receive none. "Where did you get them?"

"From the fights I've gotten into. A group of Trolls from the Ettenmoors near the Great East Road, an Orc pack a little before we reached Rivendell, Goblins in the Misty Mountains, Azog the Defiler once we got out of the tunnels, Beorn the Skin-Changer, and the battle against the forest's enchantment," she stated simply.

Father and son exchanged a glance. Thranduil returned his focus to the girl in front of him.

"Legolas, get out your sword," he commanded.

Legolas did as he was told, confused.

"Lauranna, fight him. If you win, I will give you what you and your companions need, providing an escort out of the forest and to Esgorath," Thranduil said. "If he wins, you stay in my dungeons with your little Dwarven friends."

"You promise to keep your word. If you don't, I will come for your head," Lauranna hissed and made the first move to hit Legolas.

Legolas wasn't expecting her to make the first move, so he was caught off guard. Lauranna's attacks were swift and strong. Legolas had to exert more energy to get to her level, her height being her advantage. Legolas was a good fighter, but he had never really fought someone shorter than himself.

Lauranna was not holding back in the slightest, wanting to get out of this stupid kingdom as fast as possible. When she started fighting Legolas, she made sure no one was going to interfere. When she saw one of the guards move, she was instantly ready to turn on him.

The guard reached out to grab the girl only for her to whip around and slash at his head. He jumped backward in surprise. He pulled out his own sword and joined. It was now two against one.

Thranduil was watching in interest at this young girl, who easily fought his son and one of his guards. When the fight ended, she had two sword in her hands, one pointed at Legolas's throat, the other at the guard's. The Elves' weapons were either on the floor or had been thrown away with such force that it stuck in the wall.

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