A Vision of the Future

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Lauranna was shaken awake, sitting bolt upright. She was covered in sweat, tangled in the blanket. She looked around frantically as though she expected to be attacked. She calmed down a bit when she saw Thorin's face watching her.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

It was then that she noticed it was dawn, and she looked at the Dwarves around her, noticing that they were concerned. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. Her dream was more of a vision of the future. And it was one she did not want to come true.

Lauranna was watching from a bird's eye view on a frozen river. A crumbling stone watchtower was on one side of the river, and the broken remains of a bridge was visible. On the other side, the way to get to the watchtower was carved into the stone. Lauranna didn't have time to appreciate the architecture for there was a battle going on.

Azog was holding Fili over the edge of the watchtower, a few floors from the ground. Kili was below him, looking up in horror. Thorin, Dwalin, and Bilbo were on the opposite side of the river, not able to help. Azog spoke in the Black Speech before stabbing Fili in the back. Azog dropped Fili onto the ground in front of Kili. The younger brother was seething, and he went after Azog. Thorin and Dwalin ran over the river. Thorin was attacked by Azog while Tauriel ran to help Kili. However, Bolg came out of nowhere and killed Kili, stabbing him in the chest. Azog and Thorin were now on the ice of the river, Azog's bladed arm hovering over Thorin's chest. Thorin held a sword between his hands, trying to get the blade away from him. Finally, he gave up and let the blade crash through his chest. In his final act, he killed the Pale Orc. The line of Durin was wiped out, except one. Lauranna saw herself running up to the watchtower, finding her family dead on the ground. She broke down into sobs, feeling her heart clench in pain and grief. Bilbo was there, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. The rest of the Company had gathered around the three bodies, now placed beside each other, and bowed in respect. The dreaming Lauranna had to turn away, hearing her own pleads with her family to come back ringing in her ears.

"Are you okay, Lauranna?" Thorin asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Just a bad dream," she mumbled.

"What was it about?" Kili asked, curious.

The others saw Lauranna pale at the thought of telling him what she saw. She didn't want to tell her cousin how he was going to die. The others saw her hesitation and glared at the young Durin.

"Come with me, my dear," Gandalf called.

She obeyed, following him into the trees. He turned to look at her, frowning.

"Tell me what you saw," Gandalf said.

With a sigh, Lauranna told him everything she could remember. He never interrupted, merely listened intently. When she was finished, he nodded.

"This is a vision of what will come. However, you can change the course of the future. You must be able to change the fate of your family. This battle worries me, though. You said five different armies?" Gandalf asked.

"Dwarves, Men, Elves, Orcs, and Eagles. That's five armies. Gandalf, I will need your help if I am to save them. Should I tell them?" she asked.

"No. You must change it yourself," the Wizard replied.

She nodded, walking back to the camp with him. All eyes turned to her when she entered. Thorin came over, looking her over.

"You didn't do anything to hurt her, did you?" he asked Gandalf.

"No. He helped me make sense of the dream I had. Only he would have figured it out," Lauranna answered before the Wizard could.

Thorin frowned but didn't push the subject. That day was filled with rain. Lauranna didn't mind the rain at all. Instead, she was laughing and had her hood down to allow the rain to splash on her face.

"Can you sing a song?" Bofur asked.

"Sure. Let me think of one," she answered.

She was silent for a moment before singing.

"And the blood will dry underneath my nails.

And the wind will rise up to fill my sails.

So you can doubt, and you can hate

But I know, no matter what it takes,

I'm coming home, I'm coming home,

Tell the world that I'm coming.

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.

I know my kingdom awaits, and they've forgiven my mistakes.

I'm coming home, I'm coming home.

Tell the world that I'm coming home.

Still far away from where I belong,

But it's always darkest before the dawn.

So you can doubt, and you can hate

But I know, no matter what it takes,

I'm coming home, I'm coming home,

Tell the world that I'm coming home.

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.

I know my kingdom awaits, and they've forgiven my mistakes.

I'm coming home, I'm coming home,

Tell the world that I'm coming.

I'm coming home, I'm coming home,

Tell the world that I'm coming home.

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.

I know my kingdom awaits, and they've forgiven my mistakes.

I'm coming home, I'm coming home,

Tell the world that I'm coming home."

The group was quiet after the song, listening to the lyrics. It reminded them that they were indeed coming home to Erebor. It was also raining. They let all their worries wash away with the drops of water, feeling immensely better when they did. They were happier, more joyful and hopeful. They smiled at Lauranna, though she didn't notice. She was lost in her own world of thoughts.

A/N: The song is I'm Coming Home by Skylar Grey

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