The Beginning of the End

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Lauranna watched the proceedings with a critical eye from her spot on the top of the now destroyed wall. The Company watched with her, examining her work.

"Not bad at all," Thorin complimented.

Lauranna smirked.

"Well, I learned from the best how to demand things of others," she said with a shrug.

Thorin chuckled and put an arm around his daughter's shoulders, feeling her lean into him. Fili and Kili smiled at the happy sight before them, knowing that their cousin fully accepted Thorin as her father. Lauranna's plan had been worked out before the army of Orcs arrived. And when they did, the Dwarves and Elves stood before the Mountain, waiting for Lauranna's orders.

Thranduil and Dain were down below, watching the girl as she surveyed the army marching toward them. She frowned for a split second but opened her mouth right before Thorin shouted orders down.

"Arrow storm!" Lauranna cried.

The Elves instantly sent a cloud of arrows flying toward the Orcs, taking down many at a time.

"Archers behind, swordsmen in front! Archers, continue fire!"

The two armies backing the Mountain up did as they were commanded by their female leader. The Orcs continued to fall as the arrows flew at them, but they reached the front lines and started killing all who didn't defend in time. The arrows continued to fly and take down more. Thranduil and Dain joined the Company on the walls.

"You two hold the Mountain, don't let them enter it at all. I will take the Company up to Ravenhill to kill Azog and Bolg once and for all," Lauranna ordered. "Can I trust you two to work together and not against each other?"

Thranduil and Dain nodded and bowed to her, before giving her their blessing of safe passage and watching her leave with her companions.

As she strode out onto the battlefield, a hush seemed to settle over her ears, blocking out sound. Her eyes flashed a golden color filled with power. Her war outfit transformed into an orange dress with black embellishments above her waist. One side hung down lower than the rest of the hem. From her back sprouted large grey wings, fourteen feet in total. On her feet were no longer boots, they were orange flats. In her hand appeared a sword of golden flame. But it always seemed to change from orange, to blue, to green, to white. She was no longer just Lauranna Alea Durin. She was a goddess of power and elements who would stop at nothing until her mission was complete.

Fili and Kili stared at their cousin in shock seconds before she engaged in battle, sending enemies flying backward in shock and pain. Her sword cut down any foe before her, including giant trolls bigger than herself. Her power swept across the battlefield, strengthening her troops as they rallied to her and fought harder and faster than the Orcs. The Company had no trouble keeping an eye on her with her flaming orange dress and massive wings. She turned her head to Ravenhill and took off, her wings spreading wide to carry herself off the ground. Due to the lack of wind, she created it to get her a head start. The Company jumped onto the backs of rams and followed.

Azog watched in rage as his army was effectively being cut down by Elves and Dwarves. The Men had completely disappeared from the fight, and he had to send some troops to hunt them down. And the one giving the orders? She was coming right now, a look of pure anger and hatred on her face as she flew toward him and Bolg. Azog smirked. Time to get revenge on Oakenshield.

"You dare threaten my home and my family and friends?!" Lauranna shouted angrily, landing a few feet away.

"What does it matter to you? You shouldn't be here, little girl," Azog snarled.

"I am not just a little girl! I am Lauranna Alea Durin, daughter of Thorin Oakenshield and descendent of Durin! You will not take away my homeland!" she shouted, her wings bristling in anger.

Azog suddenly lunged at her, grabbing her wing and throwing her into the rocks beside her. There was a snap, and her wing broke. Lauranna got up and threw fire at him, keeping an eye on Bolg at the same time. Azog got his arm burned badly, nearly dropping his wreaking ball thing. However, he managed to hold onto it and swung it at her. Lauranna dropped to the ice to avoid it, the wind whistling over her. When Azog backed out, she turned to Bolg in time to block his strike with her blade. Her dress and wings were gone, replaced by her war outfit. She fought bravely as she remembered her family and homeland.

"You will not take them from me," she whispered angrily.

With a last slash, Bolg's head went flying over the frozen waterfall. She turned to Azog just as his sword slashed her side, causing blood to pour from it. Lauranna could hear shouts for her to move, but she ignored them. It was the Company, she knew. And she also knew she wasn't going to survive, no matter what she did. She ran right at Azog, who welcomed her with a laugh. She flipped up and over him, using her last energy to drive her sword into his back and pin him to the ice, and she waited until he was dead. She flipped off and landed near the Company.

Fili and Kili were watching, terrified, as their cousin fought Azog one last time. They could see the blood pouring from the wound and wanted to run out to help. But before they could move, she drove her sword through Azog's back, flipping over him and pinning him to the ice. She didn't move until she was sure he was dead. Then she flipped off of him and landed nearby.

Thorin watched in horror and shock at the skill his daughter possessed to be able to defeat Azog. Then his mind flashed back to the moment when she was injured and still managed to hold Azog off. He felt pride well up in him as he saw her once more, landing in front of him.

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