Threat of War

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    The next morning, Lauranna woke up to see Kili and Fili watching her. She sat up and winced at her sore muscles.

    "You use too much of your power, cousin," Fili stated.

    Lauranna rolled her eyes and swung her legs out of bed. She forced herself to walk to the door and opened it. Thorin was waiting.

    "I'm glad to see you are alright," he said, not seeming to concerned about her.

    He was dressed as a king, crown resting on his brow. Lauranna said nothing to him, meeting his level gaze with a cold one. She nodded stiffly and bowed slightly to him.

    "No need for a princess to bow to her king," Thorin told her, ignoring Fili and Kili.

    "No need for a king to act like he is above everyone else," Lauranna snapped back.

    With that, she strode off, Fili and Kili scuttling after her. They stood on either side of her as though they were her personal guards.

    "Morning, you three," Dwalin greeted when they reached the dining hall.

    "What's up with you?" Dori asked.    

    "Thorin," Fili replied.

    There was silence. Balin sighed and shook his head.

    "He's probably going to target Lauranna more than anyone else. She may of may not have said, and I quote, 'no need for a king to act like he is above everyone else,'" Kili muttered.

    "Oh dear," Balin sighed.

    Lauranna was stiff, angry. Beneath her cool facade, she was seething in fury. How dare he act like she was not on his level?! Like she was inferior?!

    "Has he eaten yet?" Lauranna asked.

    "Not yet. He was waiting for you," Bilbo said.

    Lauranna nodded and sat down, choosing the chair she knew Thorin would go for. When Thorin entered the room, he made his way to his daughter and glared down at her.

    "This chair is taken. You may get yourself another one," Lauranna said, not even looking up.

    Thorin reached out to her to pull her out of the chair. Lauranna grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back painfully.

    "I will repeat my statement. This chair is taken. You may get yourself another one," she hissed.

    She released him and resumed her meal. If Thorin was not talking to her or interacting with her, then she ignored him. And he hated it.

    "I am the King here. You will listen to me," Thorin boomed.

    "You were always the king. People might listen to you more often if you aren't a power-hungry fool. Now, shut up and get a different chair," Lauranna snapped.

    Thorin drew his sword and was about to attack her when she flicked her wrist and sent him flying backward. Lauranna stood up so furiously that the chair went flying back.

    Lauranna's appearance flickered and changed. Her hair seemed to have dancing flames while her eyes swirled with different colors. Her fingers were encased in fire, water, earth, and wind. In her hands grew a large flickering light of power. It transformed into a sword.

    "Thorin Oakenshield, you will listen to me now or suffer! You will not act as though you are all high and mighty while your mind is overthrown by gold! That gold is cursed! I will not be called your daughter if you continue to act this way! Get a grip on your life and gather your mind! Because if you don't get your right mind back by the time the war breaks out, I will murder you myself!" Lauranna snarled, her voice radiating authority.

    She turned back to normal and sat down, eating her breakfast silently. She ignored all the stares she was getting, even from Bilbo. She wasn't even sure what had just happened. Her power seemed to have surged through her faster and a lot more rough than she had expected. She didn't even know if she could control it if it happened again. When the war came about, maybe she could control the power enough to concentrate on who she hit.

    The others were wondering what war she was talking about. They didn't like the sound of a war. Could if be a war on the Mountain to gain the position and wealth? Or a war to kill the Company of Thorin Oakenshield? Whatever war she was talking about, they had to be prepared. And they weren't going to let anyone harm her. Although, Thorin might try to kill her himself. And they swore to not let even Thorin harm her.

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