Chapter 15

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The girls had been gone for almost thirty minutes before I found my way back into my bedroom.  I'd had to clean up the burnt popcorn, brush my teeth, and straighten up the bathroom; anything I could think of to stall the inevitable.

And the inevitable had come. Michael Cates had been found alive, but barely.  This news was terrifying to me as I wondered what would happened once he was awake and talking.  I prayed that he wouldn't remember anything, especially not me.  I was pretty sure his eyes had been closed, but I couldn't honestly say, considering I had been a wreck myself. 

According to the news, Michael's blue Honda Civic had been found by local police early in the evening. Micheal's body was found in a ditch a few yards a way. He had been breathing faintly, barely clinging to life and was med-flighted to a nearby hospital where he was listed in critical condition. Officers suspect Michael was the victim of a hit and run, but currently had no leads. They were asking that anyone who had information on the case contact the police. His family was offering a $100,000 reward to anyone with information leading to an arrest.

I prayed that he would live.

Then I prayed that he would die.

But mostly, I prayed that he would live and remember nothing. I scolded myself for not having called the police sooner.  Had Ryan and I called right away, Michael might have been far better off.

Thinking about that poor guy clinging to life in the rain for the last eighteen hours was gut wrenching.  I wondered if he'd been conscious at all during any of that time and hoped he hadn't felt any pain. I played the conversation between Ryan and myself over and over in my mind trying to remember everything we'd said and if it could incriminate us if Michael had heard it. Then the sinking realization occured to me that we'd both used each other's name in that time.  If he'd heard that, then it wouldn't take long for everyone to figure out who we were.

I was better off confessing.

I needed to call Ryan.

Then I'd have to call my parents. I wanted to see them one last time before my life was over.

But, before any of that, I was going to go see Michael Cates.

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