Chapter 1: When Everything Changed

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"Oh my gosh, Ryan! Stop it, you know I hate that," I screamed and laughed as I threw my head back joyfully. His big, strong hands were surprisingly gentle against my waist as he tickled me relentlessly. I couldn't help but laugh, though I absolutely hated being tickled.

"Ryan, stop! Come on, how can I drive with you being so distracting?""

"Maybe you should just pull over then and you can focus on me for a little bit?" he suggested, moving in to nuzzle me on the neck. I closed my eyes momentarily and melted against his warm lips as they pressed against my skin.

"Amber! Pay attention, jeezus!" He yelled in a panic as an SUV sped passed blaring it's horn and narrowly missing a head on collision with us. I had swerved into the oncoming traffic lane.

"Well, maybe you should knock it off then," I said smartly, grabbing his chin with my hand and planting a kiss on his soft lips. "You know how I get when you're all touch feely'. Anyway, we're in the middle of nowhere and it's darker than heck out here. Stop distracting me or drive yourself,' I said smartly.

"Ah, but it's such fun to watch you squirm. Anyway, we practically have the road to ourselves, that's probably the last car we'll see for quite awhile so...." He smiled up at me with a devilish grin and ran his hand along my inner thigh, "where was I?"

Ryan was an absolute knock-out. We'd been dating since our freshman year of high school after meeting at a party. He was amazingly handsome, a tall guy standing 6 foot 3, dark brown hair, melt your heart hazel eyes, surrender to me dimples, muscles...and more deliciously scrumptious muscles, mmmm...I could say a lot about those. He was a star football and soccer player, started on varsity his sophomore year and was tauted by colleges all over the country hoping to have him join their ranks.

I guess I considered myself lucky to have him, but I had it all too. There was nothing in the world that we wanted and couldn't have. People loved us and oh did they do anything for us.

As senoirs this year we were in the fast lane for the best of everything.

My car was in the fast lane too, but I was so engrossed in myself, feeling free in the Range Rover my parents had bought me for my 16th birthday, feeling invincible and empowered because of who I was and because of Ryan who was what every girl from town wanted, but I actually had.

The entire time Ryan and I flirted and made-out in my car, I was finding him so irresistable I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the road. This was our relationship, this is what we did and I loved it. I loved the way he touched me, kissed me, and made my body long for him.

"Okay, okay....I can't take it another minute!" I whispered wildly, "goodness Ryan!"

"Pull-over baby, come on," Ryan encouraged just as eagerly.

The road had been vacant for so long I didn't think twice before I swerved to the right preparing to park on the shoulder. I didn't see the car with it's hazard lights on. I didn't see the guy bending over in the rain to fix his flat tire. I didn't even realize I'd hit something until I felt a thud and heard the grinding metal as our cars made contact.

I sat frozen in my seat completely unaware that something tragic had happened, until Ryan spoke.

"Amber, what the fuck! How did you not see that!? What the hell is wrong with you? Stay in the car and let me go work my magic on this guy so he doesn't try to sue your crazy ass."

As he opened the passenger door to get out, I stopped him. "Wait, what guy?" I asked. "I didn't see a guy...." I continued.

"Of course you didn't, Amber, just like you obviously didn't see the car there either."

"Oh right!" I smarted back, "If YOU saw them then why didn't you say something?"

"Oh, I don't know," Ryan started smugly, "maybe because I thought my girlfriend was watching the road and knew what she was doing!"

"Okay, well, where is the guy then? I don't see anyone out here."

"Amber there was a guy, he was right....." his voice trailed off as his gaze focused on the place where the man once stood; where my car had come against the other.

Things had suddenly gotten to be way too much.

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