Chappie 1

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Chapter 1: Small Talk Is For Wimps

"The sun is up and I'm feeling OKAAAAAY." I sing out loud in the shower as I get ready for school.
Its the first day back and the only person I'm excited to see is Tabby. My one and only, the blood that flows through my veins, the oxygen I breathe; okay you get the picture.
Tabby and I have been best friends since who knows when. Okay I know, since 3rd grade. I told her she couldn't use my purple crayon and she took it anyways. I thought she wasn't going to give it back. But when she did it made me happy and I asked her to sit with me at lunch. 9 grades later and we still sit together.
I hop out the shower and wrap my towel around my body still humming that awful song. The smell of pancakes makes its way up my nose and it makes me want to skip getting dressed and go straight down stairs. I don't of course, I go get dressed. I slip into a pair of jeggings and a super cute tee that were laying on my bed.
"What's shaking bacon?" I ask with a laugh when I see my mom frying bacon. She gives me a wink.
"Did you do all this for me?" I ask.
"Absolutely." She replies.
My mom and I have been together, besides since birth, but since my dad left, its just been us. She's my rock, she keep us together. Sometimes I want her to get out the house and make friends and be involved in the community. But she insists on staying with me. My dad wasn't a bad man. If anything it's my fault he left..
"Mom stop. Im in 12th grade now. 17 years of age. You don't have to wake up at the high rise of the morning to make me breakfast anymore." I say with a smile.
She pouts. "My little girl. I'll always make breakfast for you on the first day of school. Until you graduate of course because after that you're on your own."
We both break into laughter and she hands me a plate. I take a seat at the table and before I can even put a pancake near my lips I hear two 'beeps' of a car horn. I go to the kitchen window and Tabby leans out her car window and yells, "BELLE LETS GO. HOW AM I READY BEORE YOU?"
It is a good question.
I open the window and yell back, "BE QUIET YOU'LL WAKE UP THE WHOLE DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD." And then my neighbor, Ms. Hemmis, tells us she is going to call the police if we both don't stop. We both double over in laughter. Ms. Hemmis shuts her window.
"Bye mom!" I call up the stairs as I run out the door. I join Tabby in her car and we drive off.
And I'm still singing that terrible song.


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