Chappie 4

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Chapter 4: My Little Baby Belle

"My sweet Belle, my precious Belle, my little baby Belle." Tabby sings from behind me in class.
I look over my shoulder and laugh also giving her a confused look.
"Hush, I'm trying to listen." I tell her.
"Boo. I'm bored and this guy has been saying the same thing from the same chapter for hours now." She complains. I laugh and roll my eyes at her exaggeration. She isn't wrong though. This guy is so old he really has been reading the same sentence over and over. Half of the class is honestly asleep.
The final bell rings as an indication that the school day is over. The class empties out rather slowly on account of everyone just waking up.
I turn around to start talking to Tabby but I come in contact with none other than Justin Davis' chest.
I literally don't know what to do so I just stand there.
I start to think, why the hell am I just standing here? I should be making my move ! But of course its too late and he grunts,
"Am I going to have to move you out of my way ?"
I blink.
Belle. Please say something.
He huffs and rolls his eyes, "move Ramirez !" He almost shouts and pushes past me and leaves the room. I let out a shaky breath and look at Tabby, a frown on her face.
"Well that was pathetic," she so lovingly begins, "I thought you were going to say something, but when I realized you weren't, I was just about to come to the rescue but then," she stops and gets angry and I know what she's going to say, "he was rude to you, and you let him be."
I know what I did was foolish. Letting him push past me and yell in my face, but who am I to be angry when that is what I'm trying to fix in the first place?
"Belle, you can't just let him walk all over you. Stand up for yourself. If he yells at you tell him to fuck off !" She says.
She is right . I might want to be his friend but I can't let him throw me around like a rag doll.
I'm eating dinner with my mom after Tabby drops me home, and all I can think about is Justin. I have no idea what she is saying right now and when she stops talking I just smile and she smiles back.
Thank goodness it wasn't a yes or no question, or a question to begin with.
The way the heat left his body, and the way his clothes fit him so well, and how perfect his hair looked-
"Belle !" My mom calls looking at me in confusion.
"Sorry, sorry, um, what did you say?" I ask pinching my nose bridge.
She smiles softly at me, "why don't you head to bed I think someone had a long day."
I nod and head upstairs not before giving her a quick hug.
I slump on my bed and try to start working on some of my assignments due tomorrow. My phone starts to ring and I see its Tabs. I answer and tell her she has the wrong number.
"Stoooop I need help with questions 4 and 9." She groans, I laugh.
"Unfortunately, I haven't done them yet so you will have to wait." I sigh.
"Hmm ? The Great Belle Montgomery has not finished her homework yet ? This must be caught on video I am coming over right now. "
"Quickly, before I finish !" I say. She laughs and believe it or not I do get the entire worksheet done while she was talking. I work better when Tabby is around.
"Here we are," I begin, "questions 1-22." I clear my throat. "A-"
"You finished the whole paper ?" Tabby cuts me off. "Damn girl, alright lay it on me."
I laugh and give her the answers to tonight's homework.
"Now," she says, "I already came up with one ship name for you and Justin that I think you will like. Or hate." She tells me. I can tell she is grinning.
"Pardon? I do not like him Tabby," I laugh, "stop it right now."
"Oh no way. I saw the way you were looking at him all day. And when you came in inches away from his chest. I bet you actually stopped breathing. You like him my friend. And you who could blame you? He is yummy." She concludes.
She isn't wrong. Justin is really hot, super cute, and actually smart. If you're a girl at Lincoln High and not Tabby, you like him. I just want to be his friend, but I did stop breathing when I was face to face with his chest. I ponder her words for a moment then respond,
"Maybe, since all I did was think about him during dinner. But do not scream because I did not say 'yes'."
She screams. Loud.


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