Chappie 15

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Chapter 15: Child Who?


Its was 3:30 in the morning I think by the time I fall asleep. I was up all night working on a project for my economics class. Yes the time for the different series of tests and projects and more homework than the average human can handle, has started. And no its not finals, which is the horrible part. Soon we'll have state testing then finals, then summer vacation.
Sweet, sweet, summer vacation.
So it was 3:30 in the morning, I just fell asleep when I heard three loud knocks on my front door. At first I honestly just ignored them thinking that it was all in my dream. But then the knocks happened again so I got out of my bed and slowly made my way down stairs.
I opened the front door and I saw these three large men, in long black coats.
I slammed the door.
It is too damn early for me to get mugged. I don't think so.
The men knocked again.
I refuse to open that door.
More knocks.
"OPEN THE DOOR." They yelled.
I started debating if I should open it. What if its the FBI? Or maybe I should just let Ms Hemmis call the cops.
Child who ?
I go to the door and open it.
"Belle Ramirez. We are child services please do not slam the door. We know about your mother's death and unfortunately you can not live here, in this house by yourself." One of the three men said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because you are not an adult you can not live by yourself."
"This house is not in your name. And you can not pay the bills by yourself." The second man said.
This is all happening so fast. They're saying I can't stay here and unfortunately, they're right. I'm only 17 and my birthday isn't until the next 2 months. I don't have a job and even if I did it wouldn't be enough to pay the light bill, water bill, heating etc. I can't do this alone.
But wait.
"What about my dad." I breathe.
"Your father.." The three men turned around to discuss my question.
One of the men shook their head and they all looked at me.
"You have 1 week to find out if your father can live with you. As far as our information from the government goes. Your father is currently in the state of Massachusetts. Living with a wife and three children. If you can not succeed by the end of the next 7 days you will be moved into a foster system." One man said.
My heart sunk, "he, he has a family." I said with a low voice.
He moved on.
"Forget it," I wipe a tear from my eye that I didn't know was there. "I'll be out in a week."
And now I'm here sitting on my bed calling Justin. This makes the 5th time I've dialed his number. I don't blame him if he's asleep. Its 5:22 in the morning and its Wednesday.
When he finally picked up I pretty much yelled in his ear.
"Talk slower. I have no idea what you are talking about." He yawned.
"Justin I'm sorry. Just listen." I told him about child services and my dad.
Not everything about my dad just the fact that he can't support me.
"Okay wow. Why can't your dad help you again?" He asked.
"Because he..he can't." I stop.
Theres silence on both lines for a moment and I actually though he fell back asleep. I laughed quietly at the thought.
"What's so funny?" He asked, he voice soft.
Sue me, but I felt butterflies at the gentleness in his voice.
"Belle, what can I do to help."
I closed my eyes and whispered, "you could give me a place to live."
"Whoa, oh boy." He breathed.
"I know its a lot, but, never mind. Its too much of me to ask, I'm sorry." I finished.
"No Belle, I would lo- like to have you here, with me," he cleared his throat, "I would have to talk to my parents, I don't see it being a problem but I'll talk to them." He said.
"Are you sure." I whispered.
"Belle, I'll always help you." He whispered.
I felt my heart do a backflip. As much as I hate it, I can't help feeling this way. I try not get my hopes up as I will probably see him tomorrow kissing a girl who isn't me.
"Thank you, Justin," I laugh a tear falling from my face, "thank you."
We say our goodbyes and I hang up. I then call Tabby.
Because why wouldn't I ?


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