Chappie 10

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Chapter 10: I Wish I knew The Words


You know what I was thinking as I stepped through the front door and into Justin Davis' house?
I thought, Tabby is going to flip, or she just might kill me.
I took my shoes off and he lead me to the kitchen. He sat down and looked at me as if he were waiting for something.
"What?" I asked. If he wants more of an apology than what I just gave he's out of luck.
"Nothing. So princess, you escaped the dragon's keep and took a wrong turn at the stop sign. Your prince is across the street, not here." He smirks, I roll my eyes.
"No. I left my house because I am more normal than you think and I came here to be your friend." I say with a smile, "and besides I don't know about the guy across the street. Not really my type." I say leaning to look out the window. I earn a chuckle from him and that makes me happy.
He shakes, his mood changing suddenly, "be my friend ? No thank you, get out." He stands up.
"Wait. Why not ?"
"Because I hate you and the only person I have ever seen who was able to drive out hate with love, was Dr Martian Luther King Jr. And are you Dr King ? No." He pushes past me.
"That doesn't even- look, I don't see why we can't try," I keep pushing. "Why don't we both say something nice about each other?"
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stop until I get this. Justin needs a friend and I know he has Damien and Luke and Kyle but still. He needs me as a friend. Someone who can show him the light in life.
He groans. "Fine Ramirez. I'm glad you are a normal girl with a perfect life and I actually hope it stays that way for you." He shrugs.
My eyes flare with anger.
"Forget it." I walk to the door.
"Hold on. Where's my compliment?" He asks. By the look on his face I can tell he has no idea what he did wrong just now.
I turn to him. "I hope you aren't going around telling the whole world that I have a "perfect life." Because you are very wrong." He looks at me then scoffs.
"What, for once you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas and now your life is fucked up?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Justin!" I begin, I think about my mother, I let out a shaky breath, I didn't realize I was crying. He looks at me and steps forward. He touches my cheek, his finger absorbing a bead of a tear. There is music playing in the background of all this. I wish I knew the words.
"What did I-"
"I like your shirt." I cut him off and walk out the door.
And yes its black.
As I'm walking I'm crying. I'm crying because I am frustrated. I'm so tired of everyone thinking that just because I have the best attitude possible in school means that that is how things are at home.
I look over my shoulder at Justin's house.
If there is one thing we both have in common, it is the fact that we are pretty screwed up. Something happened in his life and I determined to find out.
And eventually, he will find out about me too.
I call Tabby.
"Hey you." She greets.
"Hey, so guess what."
"Guess where I am."
"I am currently walking off of Blackfoot Dr." I tell her. She gasps.
"Are you trying to tell me you are on the same street that Justin lives on??" She squeals before I can answer.
I laugh, "yes ma'am I was."
"Why are you there?" She asks.
"I went to his place of residence and spoke to him." I say.
"Stop with the small talk tell me what happened !"
So I began the magical tale of how Justin made me cry.
So magical I know.
"I'm gonna kill him." She says.
"What? Why?" I question.
"He was being a total dick and made you cry. I'm proud of you though. You stood up for yourself and stood your ground. Good girl. I taught you well." I laugh. I'm pretty proud of myself too.
"He touched my cheek." I tell her.
"What? Are you okay."
"I said he touched me, not kissed me." I laugh. Tabby can really blow things way out of proportion sometimes, so I have to keep reminding her of what really happened. I can not lie though when he touched me it was all like the butterflies in my stomach just awoke suddenly and were flying around like there was no tomorrow!
"Where are you now?" Tabby asks me.
"I'm pretty close to home only four more blocks-" The line gets cut and I take the phone away from my ear to see I have another call coming in. I put Tabby on hold and answer the other call.
"Hello. May I speak with Belle Ramirez and Tabitha Greene." That voice sounds annoyingly familiar.
"This is Belle, Tabitha is not here right now." I answer.
"Oh good. Hello Belle this is doctor Edward Jem." I roll my eyes. This guy has been calling me this whole week to tell me the same thing.
You're mother is still in a coma but she's doing great!
I rub my temples, "yes, Dr Jem what can I do for you?" I ask politely.
"Could you and Tabitha come in today there is something unfortunate, I need to discuss with you." He says.
Unfortunate, is a seriously scary word.
"Yes. I will get Tabby and we can come."
"Good good. See you then." His voice shakes and he hangs up.
I call Tabby back and tell her what the doctor told me.
"Unfortunate? What the hell does that mean?" She asks.
I wish I knew.


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