Chappie 17

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Chapter 17: They Said Yes


"It was crazy. It was like he was possessed or something by his past." I told Tabby what happened this morning in Justin's car, in history class.
"That's wild. He must've been really angry." She said.
"I know, I feel so bad I really struck a nerve." I replied.
"On the bright side, you found out what his deal is. But, if I'm being honest, I don't think that that is all."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, if I were rich, and my parents left me alone half my life, I honestly don't think I would've cared very much or at least not that much." She looked at me. "They had to do something. Something happened with his parents that really hurt him." She concluded.
"What are you thinking?" I was seriously intrigued, because now that I do think about it, he can't be that angry because he's lonely. And not because he is rich but because that just isn't human nature. Tabby is right something had to have happened with him and his parents. That look on his face when he was talking about his birthday wasn't a "I need a friend" face. It was evil, it was driven anger that has been building up for years.
"I'm not saying anything crazy like they abused him or anything like that but maybe they left him alone on purpose. You know what they do for a living Belle? They are big, corporate people that own half the fast food places we eat at everyday. And you know what Justin wants to do when he leaves high school? He wants to be an engineer. He doesn't want to own different business all over the map like his parents do." Tabby seemed triggered. And I know why. Her mom and dad are both doctors and they want her to be one too, but Tabby has a gift. She is a damn good painter. She wants to be the next DaVinci, she wants to paint the Mona Lisa 2.0. But her parents don't see that.
Dinner at her house is not something you want to be at on Saturday nights.
I leaned back in my chair, "what if they don't want him? What if since they found out that he doesn't want any part in their company, they haven't wanted him since?" I could barley comprehend anything at this moment.
"Its a possibility. But I don't think its that bad." Tabby reassured me.
"What do you think I should do?" I asked her.
"If you end up living with him, find out what you can." She told me.
I let out a nervous breath.
"I'm not saying go full white girl thinks boyfriend is cheating and snoop in his room. If anything please do not do that. But just ask. You're a nice girl and he likes you enough to not drive you into a stop sign. He'll open up."
The normalcy at lunch really bothers me sometimes. Nothing changes, ever.
The same people sit with the same people and the same food is served.
As I'm drinking my juice Jessica Ferosi and her goons, come up behind me.
So much for normal.
"Ahem." One of her goons say.
Tabby snorts and I roll my eyes and turn around, "yes Jessica what can I do for you?" I ask with my best smile.
"Mhm yes, so Belle, lately I have seen you around school with Justin Davis." She eyes me. "Anything you want to tell me about?"
Tabby dies. And I scoff too. This girl really thinks that something is going on between Justin and I and she thinks she has the sudden right to know !
"I don't see what's so damn funny." She says shooting Tabby a glare.
Tabby stands up and so do I, "wait," I say to her, "Jessica, Justin and I just friends." I tell her.
"It better be that way and it better stay that way. You aren't pretty enough to be with him and you don't match him on the social ladder." Her voice is like ice and it hits me in my gut.
"Oh back off bitch." Tabby spits. "You ain't shit to Justin if you haven't noticed and you haven't been for months. Don't talk to Belle that way. And also whether or not there is something going on between them, its none of your fucking business so leave."
People are staring.
"I would stay out of this bitch, because as you know I am very capable of making your life a living hell." Jessica folds her arms and her goons do the same.
"Is that a threat?" Tabby asks amused.
"It can be if you want it to be."
"Ladies, please, no need to fight over little ole me."
I turn my head to see Justin walking towards us.
"Jessica. Why don't you meet me in the janitor's closet. I'll be there in five minutes." He whispers that last part.
I roll my eyes. She bites her lip and scurries off to wait to play 7 minutes in heaven.
"Please everyone, go back to your daily activities." He announces.
The lunch room goes back to talking and eating as Justin sits down at my lunch table. He looks at me and pats the seat next to him. I sit. Tabby sits too.
"Thank you, Tabby for what you said." I thank her.
"Girl any fucking time. Just let me know when and where and I'm all over it." She cracks her knuckles.
"Belle. I have good news. No not just good, outstanding, sure to please you for the rest of your days upon this land, news." Justin says.
"What?" I ask.
"What what what??" Tabby bounces excitingly. She loves good news.
"Drumroll please." We start banging on the table until the lunch ladies yell at us to stop.
"They said yes." There is a twinkle in his eye when he says it.
"What? I can live with you?" I pant.
"Mi casa es su casa." He replies.
"Oh my god Justin!" We embrace and he holds me as I cry tears of pure joy.
Tabby laughs and claps her hands.
"Ah I see the joyous news was given." I look up to see Damien, Luke and Kyle. They all take a seat next to Tabby. Kyle more specifically. Tabby groans and I laugh.
Having realized that I was still in Justin's arms I separated from him blushing. I take hold of Tabby hands and smile through my tears.
This is where my adventure begins.


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